View Full Version : Re: Newbie

05-08-09, 19:14
Hi im a newbie too, no -one understands anxiety and panic attacks until you experience one,. i've ben suffering for years with them and have been on and off anti deperessants and propranolol. My first attack happened at work, it was early morning and i was having alot of problems with bullying in my job and a relationship i was in had gone from bad to worse.Afer i moved away people expected the problem to go away, not as simple as that. I was off work for 6 months and my parents were running out of patience with me as the thought i was automatically cured! They pushe dme inot a jb and i had to eaqve as i wasn't physically ready. Eventually i got back on my feet again and got back into work but it was a struggle. since then i've had two other relationships, the first ended when i had a setback and had to have a week off work, my partner was unsympathetic and the next was a complete disaster who to cut a long story short ended up in court as a result of what he done to me. Lasyt June i met a guy and we started seeing each other, we've now been together 14months and are expecting our first baby. :-) couldn't be happier! on the down side i reduced my medication after some concerns and now the old problems are resurfacing. i'm not sleeping well, early mornings make my anxiety worse and now going out and medical matters caus my anxiety levels to soar.Last night i had my first parentcraft class, i felt hot, my heart was pounding and my stomach was playing up.ten minutes into the class i was fine. All this because i had to go into the hospital grounds for he class. Im really dreading my next scan because it's an early morning one and also giving birth as i have a low pain threshold and i'm dreading going in. I know i'm gong to have a beautifull baby at the end,it doesn't stop my fears.

05-08-09, 20:38
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx