View Full Version : Worried about brain tumor/aneurysm/MS

05-08-09, 19:44

I have experienced weird things for years now. For several years I have experienced dizziness and a fullness in the left side of my head/ear. I had an MRI (one with contrast and one without) 2.5 years ago and they were clear. I have had all sorts of stuff...balance issues, vision issues, burning in hands and feet as well as eyes.

Well, I was doing better after the scans. I felt relieved. I decided to have another baby. He is 6 months old now. While I was pregnant with him I developed a blind spot in my left eye. When I close my right eye my left eye sees a blind spot straight ahead. It is not floaters, I have a billion of those. I went to an opthamologist who said my optic nerve looked inflamed. He said he wasn't too worried and told me to come back after the baby was born. I went to the neurologist about this and he said to get another MRI after the baby is born. Well, I lost my insurance and I haven't been able to get back in to either one.

I'll be getting insurance again in September so I was trying my best not to panic in the mean time. The dizziness, burning and the blind spot are all still there! I even sometimes have tingling on that side of my head/face. The scary thing is that I sometimes get headaches just on that side of my head, which I don't recall ever having had before. Especially when I am ill, and I get an illness headache, it really hurts on that side more than the other. Sometimes I feel a pulse on that side. I'm starting to freak out thinking I have an aneurysm or tumor that is new and wasn't seen on my past MRI's. I'm also a little concerned about having MS because I know it can take a while to show up and one of the first signs of MS is optic nerve issues.

Well, still trying to hold on and not freak...then a lady on one of my other boards was having some dizziness, headaches on the left side behind her ear etc. and went in for a MRI and they found 3 tumors. :scared15: I am totally freaking out now. I don't want to have to wait until September (mid), but I have no choice. I am so scared that I have something that will kill me before I get the MRI done.

I know that in reality the dizziness, full head/ear thing has been around for years...that's probably nothing. But the optic nerve thing and the left sided headaches are "newer" and I"m scared that is something new.

:weep: I'm scared.

05-08-09, 23:16
I guess everyone else must think I have one too. :weep::weep:

06-08-09, 11:46
if you have had these feelings before then they are probably down to stress, as we all know myself included that the more we worry the worse the symptoms, maybe you could go to your doctor or even the a and e? I would think brain tumour highly unlikely and ms also unlikely, there are lots of people that have inflammed optic nerve and do not develop ms, i can t believe i am advising this but really try not to worry, sending you big hugs xxx

06-08-09, 21:24
Thanks Rebecca. I'm in the US so if I go to the ER I pay out of pocket as I won't have insurance until September. So I have some waiting to do.

I keep telling myself that if my opthamologist thought I had a brain tumor or something that he would have sent me to a neuro (I'm the one who requested the neuro, not him). I saw him several times and he didn't seem to think it was a huge deal.

I am hoping you are right.

23-03-11, 11:54
Hi Kimmipie,

Just seen your post...I know its from a while back...but may I ask, how you got on? I am having the same symptoms as you (tingling on left side and stabbing headache...been 3-4wks now) and I am too scared to go to the doctors.
I'm hoping you are ok!!!


15-07-11, 03:54
hi guys i have the same feeling pain on the left side of head behind ear and sometimes i have pressure ive had eye floaters for over a year been to like 3 differnt eye doctors and they all say im fine but im to scared to go see a doctor... im scared tooo :weep:

22-07-11, 18:48
hello there just wondered if anyone could help me!! i have been experiencing really bad headaches constantly for the pass week along with nausea, tiredness and forgetfullness-the headaches sometimes get worse when i bend down or move or i sometimes get bad shooting pains!!!! i have always had bad headaches on and off and the doctors have said its migraines but now i am getting really worried as these headaches seem different and aren't going away and i am now beginning to think that i may have a brain tumor! just wanted to know what anyone thinks??????????? Am going to my GP monday!!!!

22-07-11, 19:01
Hi there,

I get extremely bad headaches on my left side of my head, also stabbing pains between the back of my head and one of my eyes (either sides). I have forgetfulness and extreme dizzyness, ive drunk more water daily and nothing helps. I feel as if im floating away, thats how dizzy i am. I find it hard to look at things because my eyes off-focus aswell. Please be strong, there are alot of people that know what your going through. Im going to ask my GP about it when i next go in. Although i did have a full blood count blood test i dont think this is enough as they continuously ignore me in there lol. Hope you feel better soon, and hopefully we can all help eachother through this terrible times. Good luck x