View Full Version : Pain in head Very stressed out and worried

05-08-09, 19:44
Hi I have had a very stressful time recently and have got a Posterior Vitreous Detachment going on which is really worrying me. I have been to two opticians and the eye casualty but it is getting worse. My retina is apparently fine. I live alone and this makes me worry a lot about everything.
I have been staying looking after my grandson who is 18 months old and very tiring. I got home on Sunday night with a bad cold and had a right hand headache which I thought was a migraine. The day after it spread to my left and has been there for two days now. It is in my eye, my ear and the top of my head. It is like a spasm pain. I also had a very sore patch on my scalp which is now lessening. I couldnt hardly touch it. I am just worrying about everything. Is this likely to be a tension headache. I do get migraine.
Thank you Angie

05-08-09, 23:14
Just a thought but do check you haven't developed shingles - a neighbour got shingles in her head/face and she couldn't see the spots but her Dr found them and she had had terrible headache and eye and scalp pain and tenderness. Also if the pain and tenderness is in your temple only then again get your Dr to check you don't have an inflammatory condition affecting the arteries in your temple - this only affects people over 50 so apologies if you are younger than this!

I have had 2 vitrious detachements as I am severely short sighted. Have the eye people told you what to expect re rare complications - I hasten to add the emphasis is on very rare but I got it and they didn't warn me and I freaked out. My second one I didn't even know I had had it and it is fine.

I don't want to give you too much info and scare you unecessarily.

06-08-09, 09:25
Hi thank you for the reply. I dont think it is shingles. I think it was a very bad migraine aggravated by tension in my neck. I need to try to do something aobut all the tension I hold there. I live alone so havent got anyone to massage for me. Also I am permanently clenching my teeth. I was on valium for thirty six years and came off three years ago and the muscle tension I now experience is awful. I need to find something that will relax me.

The hospital told me about keeping a watch on symptoms with my eye because it could end up with a retinal tear and then a detachment. I think this is what you mean. I just cant keep running to find out if its torn or not. I am so fed up with the flashing. Its a nuisance and I do worry about it. I thought it went after a couple of weeks max. I have heard it can go on for years but not sure about this. You are the only person I have ever had contact with who has had it. Its supposed to be common. The doctor at the hospital said the PVD is mild. Well its a lot of problems for a mild one. Maybe thats why its going on so long. Does it always totally detach. I am going to the docs today because there are lots of questions I need to ask and get sorted out. Can you exercise can you fly with it????

Well take care. Angie xx