View Full Version : Help! please read i am needing advice

05-08-09, 20:11
had lit done on friday, it was a terrible experience, i opted for NO sedation which was a big mistake. The doctor was awful and i was treated badly.
i cried and shouted at them to stop the whole way throuh.
they took a biopsy which showed i have H.pylori and i now have 8 tablets a day to take for it for a week.
problem is i am feeling as though i cant breathe properly, like someone is sat on my chest. a bit sort of winded.
i am really worried.
i rang the ward and they said i shouldnt feel that way and to see my gp. my gp seemed only concerned that i was feeling a bit dizzy and gave me tablets for that.
i dont know what to think. am i bleeding? has some damage been done?
i left immediately after it was done, i wasnt even taken to a recovery room.

to top it all i have to stay up tonight with my son ALL night so that he can have a sleep deprived eeg in the morning as they think hes having absence seizures.

05-08-09, 20:14
sorry youve had such an awful experience, i think maybe to expect some discomfort for a while, if it was bleeding i think youd have other symptoms
ive never had it done, so think you are very breathe especially without sedation i wouldn't of even gone in the room

06-08-09, 05:43
thanx. still feeling awful :weep: