View Full Version : any tips on overcoming anxiety

05-08-09, 21:38
hey every one. im a ha sufferer, it started off with a brain tumor worry and now its mainly any kind of disease that will cause memory loss/confusion. ( my dad had these symptoms before he died of a brain tumor so this is what set the ha off)
i am currently on 10mg of citalopram and have had 3 sessions of cbt therepy and hopefully im going to start berevement councelling soon.
the cbt therepy has helped a bit when i get worried that im losing my mind i just ask myself if i would be feeling like this if i hadent of seen my dad go through what he did. its just i really want the obsessive thoughts and checking to go away, im constantly aware of what im doing, checking for mistakes i might make, and when i do make a mistake i just cant let it go, i obsess over it. i just really want 2 know if anyones got any tips 4 me to help. im trying to feel positive, i am determined to get my mind back, i dont want my anxiety to rule my life any more!
( i just got worried now because i re read over what i wrote and saw mistakes!)

any tips u can give me would really help, plan to give myself some intensive self help.

sarah xx

05-08-09, 23:18
hi sarah, im sorry to hear about your dad, but at least you have identified what has triggered your HA. i dont really have any helpful tips or advice about overcoming your HA, but if you concentrate to much on making mistakes the more you are going to make and the more you will worry, the more the vicious circle will go round and round. i do find for myself that concentrating on something less demanding eg, reading or listening to music distracts me from thinking about my HA issues. hope things get better for you soon, keep up the good work u r doing already, take care. debs xx

06-08-09, 07:48
Hi! You might want to read through some of my latest posts. I've been having severe anxiety over memory/brain function as well. It sounds like you have some OCD going on too (a lot of us do, self included). That's what the constant checking is.. it's called ritualizing. You'll find lots of help here, including further information about CBT. I find that books/message boards/etc are helpful along WITH the actual therapy.