View Full Version : pulled muscle in back??

05-08-09, 23:06
my health anxiety has been really bad this month (probably tell from all the threads,lol)!! so 2day im sat on the sofa, i get up and i had a sharp pain in my back, left side, up towards my shoulder blade, it made me gasp for breath, scared me silly. after about 10 mins eased off, then everytime i took a deep breathe it pulled in my back and in exactly the same place in my chest, rational side of brain is saying you have just jarred a muscle, but the otherside is saying you are a smoker might be lung cancer. it is still there now and im getting more and more anxious about it. does anyone think this is muscle related or do u think yet another doctor visist might be in order??. thanks for reading, any helpful and encourging replies would be great. debs xx

05-08-09, 23:10
Pulled muscles can be very painful and do take a while to get better, I am afraid you must just grin and bare it.