View Full Version : When panic strikes

30-09-05, 12:06
I cant understand why panic can just strike out of the blue. I've been having quite a few good days lately. Yesterday I went out for a spin in the car as a passenger. It was not as If I was worried about anything in particular but BANG, it came on like a shot. I thought to myself right, just ignore it and it will pass. No such luck, I have been able to deal with panic attacks many a time, but not this one. Why are some more fierce than the others? It felt as if I had had an allergic reaction to something. My body felt weak and numb and I could'nt think straight. I though I was at deaths door :) After taking a Vallium (which Im trying so hard not to do) the feelings subsided and I started to think what could have brought such an attack on. I know this will probably sound stupid to you but I put it down to putting in a fresh set of contact lenses. When I went out yesterday, which I rarely do at the moment everything seemed so much clearer. I was just wondering whether maybe that was the cause. Too much stimuli?? I dont know.

30-09-05, 13:10
hi anxiety
panic attacks can come out of nowhere thats how most of mine happen,
i can be just sitting at the computer or sat watching tv and BANG got ya i even had a really bad panic attack while i was driving my car from my local shopping center and i didnt know where i was 4a split secound .

ive found that anything can start a attack off just out of the blue so its possible that putting contact lenses in could have started you in an attack.

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part