View Full Version : help! not even sure which symptoms are real anymore

06-08-09, 04:39
A little long. I apologise.

Hi everyone,

For the last 8 months or so my life has been one health worry after another and I'm not sure where I stand anymore.

About 2 years ago I injured my back and it has been a long slow healing process. In december I started getting pain in my groin and had a whole series of tests done, all negative. I remember at the time the pain would wax and wane depending on how much I thought about it.

Then I had stomach problems, heart burn, but of course for me they were every untreatable GI disease in the world. Then I had another round of groin pain but this time it was linked to my back. "Thank God" I thought, I can deal with some back pain and it's not some rare disease. Yeah right.

All of a sudden my back pain became intolerable. I went to physio and acupuncture and they sort of helped. Then I went to California on vacation and "wow" the back pain was gone. Oh, but now I had swine flu. Fixated on that for a week then came home and was good for a month or so.

Then back pain again for which I did more physio/acupuncture. THe acupuncturist irritated a nerve in my knee and the back pain was gone but now I had permanent nerve damage in my leg that would burn all day.

Went on vacation in july and the nerve pain disappeared. all was good for a week then came home and more back pain. Seeing a new physiotherapist for this who is a little more aggressive in her therapy.

Now last night I couldn't sleep, kept waking up feeling like I had to go to the bathroom and I was sort of clenching. In a panic of course.
The thing is with my back injury I did have some feelings like I had to go to the bathroom but never at night. Sleep always made things better. now I'm terrified that I have some sort of nerve damage that is causing this and that I'll never be able to sleep again. I'm terrified to go to bed tonight.

Anyone else experience and urge to go to the bathroom/pevic fullness feeling as a symptom of anxiety?

Please give me some advice and thanks for reading.

07-08-09, 03:41
can anyone relate at all? I'm having a really rough last few days.

07-08-09, 03:54
I can't really relate to the back pain, but the toilet trips I can ! I'll feel like I need to go.. But when I sit down.. I don't.

Or sometimes I'll be 'bursting' for a pee (tmi - soz) and only a teeeeny bit comes out.

This happens now every time I'm anxious, and it's no fun ! especially since I suffer with social anxiety too lol.

Yeah anxiety can cause this :) So try not to worry <-- Easier said than done I know !xx

07-08-09, 15:05
I can't really relate to the back pain, but the toilet trips I can ! I'll feel like I need to go.. But when I sit down.. I don't.

Or sometimes I'll be 'bursting' for a pee (tmi - soz) and only a teeeeny bit comes out.

This happens now every time I'm anxious, and it's no fun ! especially since I suffer with social anxiety too lol.

Yeah anxiety can cause this :) So try not to worry <-- Easier said than done I know !xx

I get exactly the same thing as you, feel like i need constant trips to the toilet, and cant get much out.

with me the feeling of needing to go seems to go when i'm doing something i love like football, where i can genuinly take my mind of health worries.