View Full Version : Fear List

06-08-09, 12:59
Hi All,
I apologise if this has already been done recently - I couldn't immediately see it.
As a professional anxiety sufferer and someone in the middle of an episode at the moment, I thought it might be interesting to see what people's general fears are.
I myself have so many, I may end up with RSI at the end...

Here are a few of mine:
Fear of loosing control including -
Suddenly shouting in a cinema/meeting/wedding or other public quiet place
Fear of loosing control on a plane
Fear of attacking someone (this normally only comes about with people i truly care for)
Fear of creating an accident when driving
Fear of some sort of demonic possession.
I even recently developed a fear of saying an ex girlfriends name in bed to my current girlfriend....!!! :wacko:

Even in my current state of high awareness, I can see that some of these are fairly out there. But I also can see that I may share some of these with others.

I am also aware that anxiety is the issue - not the fear.
The fear is the thing on the outside that we deal with, the anxiety hides around the back pulling the strings.

Anyway, there you go....


06-08-09, 13:07
Mine are far more mundane!
* Losing my home
* Not being able to support my family
* Losing the plot completely and having my children taken away/being taken away from them
* The anxiety never going

However I am now going to fear saying an exes name in bed :blush:

06-08-09, 14:23
Need to add - that these are fears that have come and gone over my 15 years of anxiety - generally not all at the same time....

07-08-09, 16:03
:) professional anxiety sufferer. That made me giggle. I might put it on my CV. Won't get many job offers if I do though :(

On a more serious note for a moment !

The "irrational" thoughts side of anxiety is the part I despise the most. I can put up with the physical symptoms (just about) but when the "silly thoughts" creep in I go to pieces :(

I need to find someway to lessen the effect that they have on me. Any suggestions will be gratefully received :)
