View Full Version : New to this!

06-08-09, 14:50
Hi there,

I don't know if I've posted this in the right place, I'm new to this!

For almost 5 months now I've been suffering with daily headaches and 'peculiar' feelings, since banging my head on a kitchen cupboard door - I wasn't knocked unconscious nor did I get a cut/bump, just felt stunned for a few minutes! The 'feelings' didn't start until 3 days later.
I feel light headed and have out of body experiences, feel like I'm floating when sitting down! I have real difficulty concentrating at work, I'm a PA so it's not ideal! I feel restless and agitated, have crawling / burning sensations on my scalp and my eyes feel so tired and gritty! I get prickly, tingling, pins and needles feelings in my fingers and arms / legs. My head feels full of fog and I can't think straight. I get occasional stabbing pain in either side and the back of my head which can throb/pulsate. I get popping and cracking sensations in my head and neck. My appetite hasn't gone, in fact I feel constantly hungry, I often have a dry mouth and feel thirsty and then need to pee a lot. I am extremely sensitive to noise and jump out of my skin everytime the phone on my desk rings!
It's so hard to relax for all the thoughts that are going through my head, sleeping is very difficult and I feel so run down and miserable, this is really holding me back from doing the things I enjoy!
No over the counter medication seems to work. I have seen GP 5 times, also a neurologist and am waiting for an MRI, can't help thinking its something really sinister like a brain tumour but my family just think I'm stressed! I admit I feel anxious, but only because I'm worried about being really unwell.

I had a period of anxiety a few years back following tyroid surgery (had 2/3 of gland removed plus a non-cancerous growth), GP put this down to my body adjusting hormone levels etc but it took a good year and a half for me to stop having palpitations / panic attacks.
Everyone keeps telling me this is anxiety again but it feels so different to before, I'm terrified I have a brain tumour or MS or diabetes or something which is going unnoticed which is going to affect me for the rest of my life. I feel like I'm going crazy I have so many thoughts spinning around in my head, I am seeing a counsellor at work which is helping a little.

Sorry to waffle on, would love to hear from anyone who has experienced / is experiencing a similar thing or anyone who may have some words of wisdom.

Thank you :wacko:

Veronica H
06-08-09, 16:49
:welcome: to NMP.Glad that you have found us.


06-08-09, 17:00
My second lot of anxiety was different to my first, my symptoms more severe this time round.
I've had my blood tested and have been told its just anxiety by the docs but its hard for you not to think the worse when your constantly aware of how bad your feeling 24-7. Its a vicious circle because the more we worry the worse we feel.
I hope you start to feel better soon