View Full Version : A rather lengthy plea for help...

06-08-09, 17:33
I've suffered from panic attacks for over 15 years now. You know, the usual symptoms...palpitations, shortness of breath, feeling flushed, hot sweats, loss of appetite, floating sensations, dry throat…etc. that we all get.

…I suffer from really really chronic diahorrea during panic attacks.
…I used to throw up at the thought of things (going out, meeting people…etc.). Now I just get nauseous and have to clear my throat constantly.
…I’m aware of tingles in my body like I’ve never noticed them before.
…my genitals shrivel up so tightly to my body it’s unbelievable (on reading up about my condition I’ve read all my other symptoms apart from this one).
…I sigh constantly.
…I’m exhausted as opposed to sleepless. I have no trouble sleeping whatsoever (in fact I look forward to it all day as I’m safe in bed).
…I feel as though my eyes are fit to burst with tears but I never can. Despite all the feelings of utter despair I’ve only cried ‘almost properly’ two times in ten years…

And mentally…
…I’m scared of certain social situations. Crowds of people (but also frightened of being alone, even at home!), not being with my wife, being away from home,…etc.
…I get totally disorientated. The most familiar places suddenly seem like I’ve never been there before.
…no interest in sex. When it first happened it was the close contact with someone that used to make me feel claustrophobic (I used to have to pull away, even from a hug!).
…I get fascinated with everyone I see (from people on the train to famous people on TV) and wonder how do they cope and worry about their lives?
…I constantly think of the past with sadness (from a conversation I had at school to a path I used to cycle on as a kid).
…but the worse thing is; I develop a death fixation, constantly pondering my own (my funeral, who’ll miss me or not) and become anxious about stories of people dying and/or committing suicide. I don’t think I will but I really, really worry I’m just one stage away from a monster inside of me taking over my mind and making me kill myself.

I can only guess at possibilities for the cause of my anxiety. Things like…
…Stress at work (I'm quite a senior board member of a very large company)?
…very low self esteem and lack of confidence?
…I did a few street drugs at the end of the 80's (who didn't?). E’s, coke, speed and a few trips. A lot of dope at one stage.
…past traumas (my Dad’s died when I was young or, the only time I ever felt depressed before…nearly 25 years ago when a girlfriend left me).
...or could it be hereditary? My sister and my nephew both suffer from depression and are on medication.

Regarding solutions there are many things I’ve tried. Such as…
…medication; From beta-blockers to the various doses of ciprimal and Citopralm.
…diet. Levelled out sugar levels and reduced virtually all processed foods.
…reducing caffeine. I haven’t had a single caffeinated drink for over four years.
…reducing alcohol. Even being teetotal for two 6 month stretches (difficult as a drink reduces the panic in social situations)
…giving up smoking. Haven’t smoked a cigarette for nine years.
…stopped doing drugs the moment this started. Haven’t done any drugs for 10 years.
…had therapy. Firstly at my previous surgery, secondly I went private in London, thirdly a local councillor in Leighton Buzzard, and lastly at Bassett Road…
...gone to many many doctors, both NHS and private.
…attended group therapy. Though they were more de-stress sessions.
…had a course of acupuncture about 8 years ago.
…took a course of prescribed Chinese herb medicines.
…attended a very expensive hypnotist’s course.
…tried yoga and meditation (although not properly).
…read more books and websites on my condition than I care to remember.

I guess I’m begging for help here from anyone who's ever had any any success against the panic attacks (though, to be honest, I'd live with them forever if it meant I would never be depressed after them!). I promise I’m not feeling sorry for myself, I just feel so awful and it seems difficult to be taken seriously.

My wife, who’s been a saint through this nightmare, is close to having enough. After all, my illness ruins every holiday or trip away we have as well as stopping us socialising.

I can’t believe this illness has been with me for over a decade and a half now and it’s stopped me doing so many things in that time. So I want to beat this thing once and for all.

I’ve recently enquired about Neuro Linguistic Programming and ‘The Linden Method’ (a ‘clinic’ in Gloucestershire) and The Self Help Clinic. Does anyone know bout this? It seems very 'American' in the way it's selling itself on their website.

If you're still reading this, thank you. And if you know of any way I can help beat this thing it'd be the best thing ever to happen to me.


06-08-09, 20:03
Hi Dav1d,

Firstly, welcome to NMP:D You are no longer alone:D

I read your post with interest and no it wasn't too long just gave some background.

I know the symptoms of panic well, as you do but to be honest I also think you are suffering from depression as well as panic.

It is quite a lot to tackle all at once but I am sure you will succeed.

What interested me was although you mention many methods that you have tried you haven't mentioned CBT which I think would be well worth a try for you.

Also the claire weeks downloads are something that would be helpful and not as expensive as the linden method.

I wish you well on your road to recovery and again welcome you to NMP


06-08-09, 20:55
Firstly, thank you for caring.
I have done CBT. It was the best thing yet and 'cured' me for a while. But it came back with a vengeance.
Thanks for the advice about the Claire Weekes downloads. I'll give them a try.

06-08-09, 21:31
Hello dav1d

yes i have done research on the linden method,personally i dont think it will help but that is just my opinion.

i have suffered from a nervous breakdown which included panic and post stress trauma.

i can see a patten in what u have written its exactly the way i was,u are despaeratly reaching and searching for a cure,but u already have it and dont realise this..ask urself what why do u panic ? what would be the worse that could happen ?
panic has taken too much of ur mind up that u wont let anything else in..
i was on meds,but came off them after 2 weeks went to hypnotherapy...reiki..and kept busy to tire me self out so i had to relax...

dont think all these things cure you ...they just help...it has to come from within


07-08-09, 14:07
hello,and welcome,,firstly your not alone out there,,,i can identify with everything youve said,,,including pushing your wife away,, i do this all the time to my hubby,,its not that i dont still love him,,it as you say if he hugs me i feel very closed in,,suffercated almost,,,. we have three trips away over the coming months and although i love getting away,,i know the first three days will be a nightmare for me,,i feel so ill, but ive now discovered that if i except these three days are going to be tough ,i get through,,and by the time i get home im to tired to worry any more,,,ive also tried just about everything,,i sleep with dr weekes books at my bedside,,it helps to read im not going mad,even if i feel it at times,lol,

07-08-09, 20:50
Thanks for getting touch. And for your support. dav1d

07-08-09, 22:10
Hi hun
I can so relate to how you feel...you describe how i feel so often with panics, shortness of breath etc
Im the same with my hubby its not that i dont love him i do, but i find it very difficult to get close sometimes and it makes me feel claustrophobic and panicky too, so the easy way out is to push him away, but then i feel so guilty because i know he will be hurt...and eventhough i do try to explain it to him its hard for someone to understand when they havent experienced it themselves, so its a vicous circle we hurt ourselves and our loved ones without ever meaning too. Its so hard to get it right isnt it.
I really hope you find a way to help yourself get better and i hope by joining nmp its puts you on the right path as youll find lots of support and advice here from people who can relate to how your feeling and sympathise.
Take care hun and best of luck

08-08-09, 09:08
hi there
i have read your post and take into account here i am not medically qualified so may be talking out of my backside, but i think you are carrying a load of guilty, guilty because you took drugs and maybe thats what has caused this, guilty because your wife is a saint and shes had enough. Has she had enough or do you think that you dont desrve her?. I ask this as i was carrying all this sort of guilt and looking for an answer to why i was ill and thinking it must be my fault i must have done something to deserve this. I was convinced my husband would leave me which he didnt. I had to learn to accept the illness wasnt my fault the same as noone deserves swine flu or cancer. I was using my panic attacks as a friend ( although i didnt know this ). I have slowly started to get better having faced up to these things and others but i had a fantastic councillor and still have
good luck with all of this i wish you well