View Full Version : Bumps under my tongue...

06-08-09, 19:09
I have had these bumps under my tongue for well over 6 months now, and have been worrying on and off about them for just as long. I am too scared to go to the dentist about them, and on top of that I don't currently have dental insurance to do so even if I wanted to. I have maybe 4 or 5 little bumps under my tongue that I discovered about 6 months ago, I honestly can't say for sure if they have always been there or if they were new then, because I never really payed attention to under my tongue until I felt them the first time. They feel kind of hard, and as far as I know they haven't grown or anything since I discovered them. In regards to the place under my tongue they are, they are on either side from the center, and they are pretty spread out. I am terrified they might be the C word. They are the same color as the rest of under my tongue, not red or white, and I have never smoked or been a drinker, nor do I have any STD's or anything of that sort. I am only 20 years old as well, and everything I have read stated that oral cancer was very rare in those under 45 years of age. I am just scared to all hell right now... this is what happens when I have a morning to myself - it gives me time to obsess :(

06-08-09, 19:15
they sound like rased salva glands nothing to worry about.

07-08-09, 11:28

I posted about these just a few days ago and lots of people posted saying they have them too. looks like they are normal :yesyes:

Dont worry its just ha!!


07-08-09, 17:46
Hey ho.... I know where you are coming from. I am totally paranoid about oral cancer. I am currently obsessing over my tonsils. The doc tells me I need CBT as the constant health anxiety is wearing me down. I feel reassure that you say you read its uncommon in people under 45. I did not know that. I was too afraid to ask anyone. As for the lumps and bumps, i can relate. I have a hard lump under my tongue to the right of my saliva glands. I too freaked out when I first noticed them, but also realise that they may very well have been there all along. I read somewhere that lumps and bumps are very common in the mouth and a lot of the time its just tiny bits of raised bone that makes it feel like a bump but is totally normal to you. This, however does not always prevent "the fear". For me, I constantly tell myself it may be uncommon, but Im probably unlucky and therefore the rules do not apply to me. I will be that one in a million with a rare disease. This is not only irrational but also very debilitating. SInce I developed health anxiety 9 months ago, Ive not slept without worry and panic. Its not a good way to go on. I would suggest if you are concerned, you go to your doctor for reassurance... and on the off chance they go crazy for you wasting their time, Ive found that actually helps even more and puts your head back onto your shoulders. I am the queen of mouth concerns, so if you want some comparisons... come to me. x

10-08-09, 10:53

Just to say I soooooo no where you are coming from when you say that' you must be unlucky so the rules dont apply to you' i always think that, its seems to be the basis for the fear completely, except mine is base on feeling like i deserve bad things and thats why the rules dont apply - same priniciple though i guess....HA SUCKS!!!

PS sorry for taking over the thread with that!


10-08-09, 11:00
no probs. its good to tell people when they share the same feeling and worries. Its very reassuring and Im sure very common amongst us HA sufferers.