View Full Version : Really Struggling With This Panic :(

06-08-09, 19:59
Hi again

I really dont seem to be coping again.

My dr increased my dose of sertaline 2 weeks ago as my anx was creeping up again.

I do have alot of stress at moment, i was signed off work last year, there is lot of hassle with them (long story), i am single parent with 1 child and really struggling with money.

I had a medical with esa and was told is going to appeal because i failed it

I sitting here feeling really anxious and panciky. I feel really spaced out, dry mouth and just awful.

i not sleeping good, been falling asleep bout 4ish and having bout 5 hours. this has been going on for weeks.

Yesterday we didnt get the news we had hoped at the hospital re my dad. We have to wait till tuesday for the results.

Nothing is going rite.

I am so on edge and i cant relax. I keeping thinking this cant be the anxiety. I feel so bad with so many symptoms.

This will sound silly but the weather here is really pouring down and for some reason its making me feel uncomfortable.

I no there is no advice anyone can really give, just needed to post and try and take my mind off it.

love mandie x

06-08-09, 21:09

You seem to have quite alot of issues going on at the moment and rising anxiety is completely natural when we are stressed. As for symptoms....anxiety so many at us at once and if you are anything like me, you will question every single one of them.

I used to have awful trouble sleeping too and i used to put my radio on in my bedroom and listen to it though my earphones.
I chose the radio because i could listen to what was being talked about at the time and i would find myself slowly being absorbed in the conversation and forgetting what was i could keep it so low that i could hear the conversation but it wasn't loud enough to keep me awake if i drifted off.

Try to take one day at a time and don't try to predict problems for the following day.

Things will fall back in place as quickly as they fell out.

Take care hun


anx mum
06-08-09, 21:24
Oh hun u ok? On msn if u wanna chat x

06-08-09, 21:56
Hi Lisa

Thanks for yr reply, it means alot.

I just cant see an end to it all :(

Anx mum - thanks hun

mandie xx