View Full Version : Migraines & Burning Smell...I'm really worried

06-08-09, 20:47

Hi all,

This is my first post so please bear with me. I suffer from anxiety and OCD :weep:

I have been a regular sufferer of migraines for a few years now and have learnt how to cope with them. However recently in the past week or so I have had a regular headache which comes and goes and my right eye seems to have gone lazy....

I saw my nurse practitioner on Tuesday this week and she checked my eyes, touched my cheeks, got me to cover my eye to check my vision, made me follow her finger whilst not moving my head etc. She then asked when I last had a eye test and I said years ago. She recommended that I go for an eye test and if it doesn't improve in 2 weeks time to go back.

Well I felt ok about this until about 30 minutes ago I smelt a burning smell whilst sitting on my sofa. It sort of smelt like burning paper/ash etc. I checked arounf and couldn't find anything to explain the smell.

Well now I am worried and feel really anxios. Maybe I have a brain tumour or am I having a stroke....arggggh ......advice needed please.


07-08-09, 13:26
Can anyone please help?

07-08-09, 19:59
Hi Kat,

I really don't think you'd have anything serious like a brain tumour so dont worry your self *:hugs:. Ive suffered from migraines for years and regularly get random smells its part of something called an aura sensation that comes with migraine. The nurse is probably linking the increase in migraines with straining your eyes, but migraines can just get worse all by themselves.

Migraines suck a lot and can be really life limiting but there not dangerous :yesyes:. Its scary tho to be randomly smelling wierd stuff or for the whole room to be chainging colour or to see stuff moving when its not really. Hope u can get yours sorted soon. X bst of luck xxx