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View Full Version : Panicking about MS - please help me...

06-08-09, 22:13
Whenever I spend the day being active (lots of walking or driving) I get really bad achy legs and shaky legs. Stupidly I have googled MS symptoms and I have lots of the symptoms ie. loss of balance, difficulty in talking sometimes, tiredness, the list goes on.

I have had my eyes checked and they were OK, would the eye test showed if I had MS??

I'm freaking out, I'm so shaky and achy and I have this for the last few months.

Please help me

07-08-09, 11:00
Anyone? I'm no better this morning :weep:

07-08-09, 11:15
have you been to docs

07-08-09, 11:25
No as I'm too scared and they tend to tell me that everthing thing I'm going through is anxiety. I don't feel they take me seriously anymore.

07-08-09, 11:39
I have copied this short peice from symptoms on left of screen
What you feel:
Your legs feel so weak that you think they won't be able to support you. In some cases you might feel you won't be able to walk. Sometimes your legs may feel like jelly or rubber, or that you have to force yourself to walk. You may even feel as though your legs or knees are too stiff to move.

What causes this:
When people feel nervous, often they will feel ‘weak in the knees’, which means jelly legs or weak legs. This is a very common symptom of stress biology and most people who are placed in stressful situations will experience this. However, the degree of which is dependent upon the amount of stress biology. The higher your stress biology, the more your legs will feel weak.
I hope this helps :hugs: there is more to read but you will have to scroll down to find it.
Best wishes
Comes under the heading ""Weak Legs""

07-08-09, 13:49
I would still see your doctor.

I have restless legs syndrome which is similar to what you say although usually restless legs syndrome usually occurs when sitting or lying down, and you have an urge to move your legs, or they twitch involuntarily when sitting or lying down

either way, still see your doc

07-08-09, 13:50
Hi Mondie,

I really wouldn't panic until you know the facts. I about 3 months ago was paranoid that I may have MS, I am 21 by the way, and this is a common age for symptoms to occur, very subtle symptoms though. I had reason to fear MS as my uncle is a sufferer, it took ages for him to be diagnosed. He has had it for 15 years now with diagnosis but they reckon he spent about ten years without diagnonis. He began with just randomly falling over all the time, there was no reason for this. It is a hard illness to diagnose. Anyway I went to the doctor with loss of strength in my right hand and I mean I could not grip anything without having the urge to drop it. So my doc looked at my family history and did numerous blood tests, nerve conduction studies and he even sent me to a neurologist. Everything came back negative which was great. But when I heard that the neurologist did not want to do any further tests for MS it was an instant relief. My strength is now back and I am back to work after having had 12 weeks off sick and everything is great.

I hope this is of some encouragement to you. If you want to know any more about MS i.e. my uncle's symptoms I would be happy to message you here.

Beth x :)

07-08-09, 17:23
what were his symptoms? glad your tests all came out ok!!

21-08-09, 08:51
Hi Becca,
Sorry have not had internet. His symptoms were mainly randomly falling over and general loss of feeling.

Beth x

21-08-09, 14:25
I get exactly the same thing, and I came up with MS too, but it wasn't, i wear Dr Martens and big boots and mine turned out to be that, i also have slight varicose veins as a result so that doesn't help. Try wearing sensible comfortable shoes, its probably just muscle strain and anxiety melded together!