View Full Version : Help! Is anyone here?

07-08-09, 03:46
Hi, well as some of you may know my latest 'freak out' is blood clots! Because for the past 5 weeks or so I've been getting alot of 'twitching' in my legs.. It started in the foot of my left leg, but then was all over! Could be top of the foot, base of the foot, front of my calf or thing or back of my calf or thigh, then it started in my right leg too but not as bad. So my doctor put it down to sciatica.

Anyway, the last week maybe, I've calmed down alot about it. BUT I was sat at the comp for maybe 3-4 hours. And my leg was aching so I touched my calf and felt a little bump. Well it was kinda 'squeaky' like when your joints squeak? It was near the skin on the top inside of my calf.. So anyway I touched it, and tried to touch it again but it wasn't there ! Then I saw the inside of my thigh twitch! So I'm presuming it's a blood clot that's travelled up.. I'm now convincing myself of all these 'symptoms' such as pain in my abdomen (presuming the clots travelled up to there) or pain in my chest (On it's way to heart)

Please can someone tell me what this could be? Or just try rationalizing my thoughts with me?

So far I've got "Dangerous blood clots - DVT - would be in the deep veins of my muscle, not near the skin"

"Maybe it was a nerve bump? if that's possible and me touching it made my thigh twitch"

That's all I have, someone please help! I've got to be up in like 6 hours for my sons jabs and at this rate I don't think I'll be sleeping at all :(

07-08-09, 04:52
The big veins are deep inside your body, so I don't think you have anything to worry about. You might have felt a tense muscle.

I get muscle twitching too sometimes for no reason at all. I think the twitches seem correspond with pain twinges throughout my body.

When I'm anxious and my attention is turned inward, any little thing turns into a big thing, and hence panic. When my mind is engaged elsewhere, I don't even notice these little tiny pains and twitches.

07-08-09, 07:05
about 5 years ago I had a major freak out about twitches. I discovered them exactly the same way you did but I freaked out about other conditions (which I won't mention). Anyway went as far as seeing a neurologist and everything was clean. Later I found out that these twitches are a very, very common symptom of anxiety and stress.
I remember reading a study that showed that a high percentage of nurses in high stress jobs had them as well upon self-examination. Most just never noticed.
So twitches are completely normal, harmless and somewhat annoying.

As far as DVT goes, don't worry about that. Thry are deep in the leg but symptoms are close to the skin.
If you had it, your leg would be very painful,red and swollen. If you have these symptoms go in to see your doctor but twitches are not related.

DVT's that break free don't work their way slowly to your heart. It would have moved very quickly, instantly almost (since blood vessels get bigger as they go up)
The complications of this are very serious but, trust me, you would know if it had happened.

I remember how freaked out I got the first time I saw my twitches. As I said, very, very common but lesser known symptom of anxiety.

Take care.