View Full Version : Are anxiety meds habit forming ?

01-10-05, 17:45
I was adviced to take ALPRAZOLAM . I am a bit sceptical of anxiety meds as I think they are habit forming .

Any inputs pls . Do they really help or just make you sleepy ? are there any side effects . Should I take the meds ? for how long is it safe ?

PS I am a asthamatic too .

01-10-05, 20:30

I was on meds for just over a year and I didn't become dependent on them at all. The trick is to come off them very slowly and to never think of taking them for longer than the foreseeable future. They helped me loads but it's not the same for everyone. You really need to try them to know..

Sarah :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

01-10-05, 20:53
i think the addictive side just depends on the person really i knew someone who was on meds for anxiety and was really addicted to them and took her ages to get off them but i was on diazepam which is known 2b habbit forming but i came off them ok with no problems


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

01-10-05, 22:42
All the benzodiazepines are addictive


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-10-05, 23:02
I'm no doctor or expert but I know that benzodiazepines (diazepam, lorazepam) when used long term can lead to dependency.

01-10-05, 23:04
I have taken Zoloft twice and taken my self of twice against the Dr advice. I still feel like I did the right the right thing despite having to go back on then again and depite now being put on to a Luvox for my anxiety. The first time i came off zoloft with out a problem and the second time I to slowly decrease my dose but I still did very well once off.

I dont think thay have are addictive in the same sence as some mediaction. The med's suply your Brain with the chemical your body is not producing enough of. So coming off them with out decreasing the med's slowly dosn't give your brain enough time to start producing what the tablet's were doing for the brain for how eva long you were talking them for. Which can cause a huge set back causeing the person to get back in to old habbit's which support the reason being on the med's in the first place. I think if you haven't changed what you need to change while on the med's then this will proberly have an effect of coming off the med sucsessfully or the how long you stay off the for. That is just the conclusion's I have come to with my experiance and my knowlage of this range of drug.

Yes it had an slight addictive reaction with the body but if your body is ready to start to producing the chemical it's self then you'll have no problem comimg off slowly.

Yes you could proberly become mentaly addicted to idea that you cant cope with out which will make it harder to come off but that just mean's you need to work on you confidance/frame of mind something before you come off them if you go on to the med thinking you'll never copw with out med's and you keep that thought going and feed it with outher thought's just as negative than you'll be supporting any possible mental addiction.

I see the medication as time to take a brack for the side effect's of working on my self my self esteem ect, the way I think or react, creating a happy life that will sopport everything I want to continue feeling after I get off the med's. That's just the way I feel about taking med's. Med's help support the healing process and i think that increase the chance of sucess with many people and thay sorten th time it take's to get better. That is just my opinion and my point of view.