View Full Version : 2 weeks on citalopram

07-08-09, 11:12
hi all
just a quick question
its not been so bad so far, im on 10 mg daily and had a week of nausea and tiredness but now am feeling better
i have noticed i have been feeling more weak and shaky. i have low blood pressure and it seems it might be lowering it a bit.
also i came on two days ago (sorry if this is tmi!) and although i usually have heavy periods i found it to be quite clotty.
I feel better for being on them tho and just wanted to know if anyone else has found the same?
choco x

07-08-09, 13:03
What you describe can be a side effect for some .Mention it to your Dr and see what he says maybe he can reccomend something for it .Glad you feel better on it .All the best Sue x

09-08-09, 01:17
hi suzy-sue,

i have been on 10mg for 3 weeks now, i noticed this week it has took all my strengh to do normal everyday stuff and i keep getting uncontrolable shakes not bad but i notice it, i think it's down to the tablets,
i wish i could help with the period issue but i got the mirena coil fitted due to heavy periods 1 month before i started the citalopram so my periods were gonna be different anyway,
anyway glad ur feeling better