View Full Version : Health anxiety out of control

07-08-09, 16:41
Hi everybody

I am new here but having looked through some messages realise there are lots of like minded people who will understand what I am going through.

I have suffered from health anxiety most of my life and ususally manage to cope with it. However sometimes something happens which makes it spiral out of control. This is one of those times. Basically I went for a massage yesterday which was meant to relax me as I had been feeling very stressed out lately. When my tummy was being massaged the lady stopped and said my small intestine felt very "solid" and I should get it checked at the docs. Well I immediately thought the worst and couldn't get an appointment til Monday to see my doctor. I do suffer from IBS and know it could be connected to that but basically I am now worried sick and not able to concentrate on anythiing else. My worries usually centre around cancer fears so am convinced I have some sort of gastric cancer,

Wondering if anybody here has ever had any problems like this. I have felt my tummy myself and cant really feel anything unusual.

Many thanks for reading this!

07-08-09, 17:38
Are you a smaller framed women? I felt something along those lines in my belly once, and went to the dr, and they said it's because I am so small I can actually feel my intestines, and what was inside them. Maybe she was just feeling your next bowel movement. Hopefully that will make you worry a little less. Try feeling again after your next movement and see if it's still there.


07-08-09, 17:54
Thank you so much for your reply! Yes I am fairly slim and so I suppose what the massage lady felt was my intestines and they were quite full. But the thing that worried me was that she said they felt hard! She also said I probably had a slow moving gut which would mean things hang around for a while. I think this is connected to my IBS. Hopefully that is the problem.

Thanks again