View Full Version : Introduction from a newcomer

07-08-09, 17:59
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here so thought it best to introduce myself before I go any further.

I'm a middle aged female who has suffered from severe social anxiety for as long as I can remember and, although I've seen several doctors and had all kinds of different treatments/therapies for the past 17 years (or so) nothing as of yet has really worked for me so I'm still looking for answers (hence the reason I am here). I do realize that no one single answer "fits all" so I'm not "expecting" to find myself a cure but, being that I haven't even found ANY real help at this time, I figured coming to a place such as this can't hurt so...here I am.

Today, I am still under a doctors care and still on medication and, even though my treatments/medications/doctors have been altered several times throughout the past, well, I guess finding the "right combination" just hasn't happened yet as I am still in the same place as I was when I was first diagnosed and in the same place I was from when I first started undergoing treatment. To be completey forthcoming, I would say that today I am actually "worse" off than I was to begin with as my fears of "going out" have only increased with time rather than vice-versa (I can't even bring myself to attend things like funerals now, and that alone is a big deal to me).

Now, I'm at the end of my rope and more desperate then ever to find some kind of help, regardless of how minor it may be. I don't know, but I guess you could say that maybe I am now seeking answers that fit "outside" of the "norm" (ie: things that are not...your so-called "typical" forms of treatment???) since the "norm's" don't appear to be doing me any good. Like I said earlier, no one single answer fits all so, needless to say, here I am trying to find the one that will, at least, possibly fit me!

Anyway, off I go to browse around some more and see what/where everything is so that I can get myself a little more familiarized with all this place has to offer. Wow, very well put-together site, so organized and informative, I look forward to checking everything out.

Take care and have a great day, everyone, it's nice to "meet you".

07-08-09, 19:13
Just to say hi and welcome,:welcome: its a very good site, and there are many friendly, helpful people here, i hope you get some of the answers /understanding that you have been looking for.

Best wishes

Pollyanna x :flowers: