View Full Version : hair falling out!

07-08-09, 18:05
My hair since march has been coming out loads, yes i have lost 2 stone & i have been through the most difficult period of my life with splitting from my boyfriend among other things. I was just wondering if anybody else gets this? If anyone has any solutions because im so scared im going to go bald.
I have long dark hair & it just seems to be getting thinner & thinner!

Nic xx

07-08-09, 19:29
Hi Nic
I dont know how old you are, but my hair has been coming out/getting thinner since my 30's,( im 42 now), , i had blood tests done at the time and everything came back normal, its still coming out, and if you put it in a ponytail,its very thin, and there is not much to it, and fancy clips and kirbys etc, just fall out, they are too heavy for my hair, its pretty soft too which just makes the problem worse. in saying all that i dont have any bald patches, and my hairdresser says my hair and scalp are in good condition. my hair is very different to when i was younger, but on the plus side i dont have obvious grey hair, lol. but they are a good few strands kicking about, i get my hair highlighted which seems to thicken it up a little, and use shampoo and conditioner for thin /fragile hair. My mum has alopecia due to psorasis on her scalp, so i know the upset that it can cause, but she can cleverly cover up the bald areas with her hairsyle, and just tries to get on with things, which i admire.
Im sorry that i dont have any real solutions, but thought i would tell you of my experience with the same thing.

Best wishes

Pauline x

07-08-09, 21:16
what is your bmi? if it is too low for your height etc under bmi of 18 then it could be due to you not eating enough and starving your body of nutrients which can result in hair thinning and even hair loss
ive been going through a work book with all this in as im being treated for anorexia nervousa, you may not have this? its just you mentioned losing 2 stones so not sure what you weigh now and if its too low for you

07-08-09, 21:26
i'm sorry that you are going through this. has your thyroid been checked? hair loss is a common symptom of underactive thyroid.

08-08-09, 13:14
Thyroid checked & my bmi is 24 so its fine & im not underweight at all xx

08-08-09, 13:27
I had hair probs when I was suffering bad with anxiety .I lost a stone in weight too .This site has some really good info on the vitamin section www.stophairlossnow.co.uk (http://www.stophairlossnow.co.uk) .Im sure there will be something that will help you .All the best Sue x

House fan
08-08-09, 18:57
Hi Nickie

Can you tell me how many calories a day you are currently eating? If you don't know, what did you eat all day yesterday?


08-08-09, 19:07

Plus you should maybe stop having your hair coloured until the problem is resolved. My hair snaps all the time huun because it's been getting coloured since i was 14 and i have ruined it.

Take care mate and you know where i am if you need me!
Big hugs

08-08-09, 19:10
My hair started thinning when I went on a very strict diet ten years ago to get married. So not quite sure if it had anything to do with the diet or the stress of getting married. But it hasnt really recovered and my fringe is much thinner than the rest. My mum has very thin hair and so Im thinking mine may be hereditry.
There are so many different things that can affect your hair thats its hard to pin point just exactly what is causing it.
Take care,
Carol x

09-08-09, 03:54
yeah stress and nutrition definitely affect it but in those cases fortunately the hair loss is reversible. the one way to really determine is to go to a dermatologist and have them do a hair sample to determine that it's not male or female pattern hair loss. if that comes back negative, then it's just put down to stress and weightloss, which lifestyle changes can reverse. if it's anything hormonal, nizoral helps as a scalp treatment. it's one of the few medically proven methods and available over the counter. (unlike those 'thinning hair treatments' which really won't help in your case) .. i have hormone issues and see endocronologists often, hence my weird knowledge of this subject.

11-08-09, 11:32
Hello :)

When i first developed anxiety i had problems with my hair falling out, it was like it was shredding everyday it was awful and was terrified of waking up bald, after about 4 months though it stopped, and its been nearly two years and hasnt happened again! i went for blood tests which came back normal, i suggest that you do the same to rule anything else out, but stress does play havock on your body and your hair xx