View Full Version : Interesting connection

07-08-09, 18:38
I have had very bad health anxiety since I was a small child and the worst part is the overwhelming panic that I need to get something looked into NOW - I cannot wait a week to see if "it" gets better in case "it" is a symptom of something terminal.
I am at present going through process of moving house and should be moving in just over a week. We are due to exchange contracts in about 4 days then move week later but I have found this past 6 weeks since we accepted offer on house that I am feeling same way about this house moving as I do with the health anxiety - i have no patience and want to get things sorted NOW. I have realised that anything I feel I cannot control sets off this terrible panic and wanting to sort it out immediately.
Just found it interesting that my panic etc is not soley for health problems:blush:

08-08-09, 13:30
Yeah I recently discovered the same. We are moving as well and I have not yet found a school for my son, and I feel the same way about the school problem - I can't wait till I am able to speak to the teachers etc, I worry and worry and worry about it now. Same thing about the move, the new job I got (= the reason for the move), my husband finding a job, etc etc I am going crazy :unsure::unsure::unsure:

08-08-09, 16:21
i do this with everything.. this almost .. impulsiveness. like if i get in my mind i want to buy ballet flats, i will search the entire city and failing that, buy them online. random example i know but it has to all be tied. my therapist even mentioned it.

10-08-09, 10:44
I am the same, my panic can 'latch' onto other stuff very easily too but health worries are usually the hardest ones for me becuae i suppose everything depends on your health.

I have been diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder and health anxiety , maybe thats similar to you?
