View Full Version : Nervous cough???

01-10-05, 23:02
Has anyone had this? I have had a cough for weeks now maybe even a month or two. Been to Doctor and she says my chest sounds ok for my age and considering I smoke. This cough is like I need to cough up something from my chest or lungs I keep coughing but there don’t seem to be anything there. At time I feel the need to cough so much then get chest and middle back ache I think from coughing. It’s not a dry tickly cough, Its like I need to get something from my chest or lungs. Does anyone know if there is such thing as a nervous cough through anxiety? Thanks Vernon

01-10-05, 23:19
I have delt with it my self but i prety sure my 2 girls do this. Thay have alway's been shy around people and my 8y old will all way's cough before she speck's when she is trying to say something that wont come out. She has speach trouble and shut down moment's and for a while now she has been doing the coughing thing. My 6y old is starting to copy her behaviour a little she is normal an hangry child thoe and she's starting to have shut down's in stead of getting angry and se is also coughing before she talk and she cough's heap at night and has for a while at night time and I'm been told that she fine time and time again by the Dr's we have been struggling to figure out why she dose it we thought maybe it was an attension seeking behaviour because she is alway's tring to get of thing's by saying she's sick. No cough med's have really ever helped her at all. Her dad alway's give's her medicin for it but I try not give her anything unless there other sign's that it really is a sick a cough. I wish I knew what I could do for her is it really connected to anxiety it would not surprise me at all if my kids suffer the same way as I have since I was kid. I'm trying hard to given them better tool's to cope with it.

Sorry i dont have answer's for you I only wish I could get inside there head's someday's to really know what to do for them to help them deal with what thay find hard to deal with.

01-10-05, 23:50
thank you for the reply mum , I hope you can find some answers too. Take care. Vernon

02-10-05, 10:02

You're not on any blood pressure medication are you ?

Yes , a nervous cough does exist


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-10-05, 11:57
only thing i am on meg is cipralex, I dont seem to get it at night when settled in bed. Think maybe I should try not to cough when i feel i need too? as I cough to hard and nothing there. thanks meg. Vernon

03-10-05, 11:04
I have had it for ages now both on and off meds. It's annoying as the chest and back pains are both caused by it.
My dr says theres 34 joints in the cheat and coughing upsets them

Don't believe everything you think

03-10-05, 20:58
thanks for the reply phil, Its realy horrible isnt it? the back pains at night are sometimes unbarable, and as you say I think its muscle strain with the coughing.

04-10-05, 11:16
Oh I know how you feel verny. I get that tickly cough at times to it is horrid hey.

I tend to suck a cough sweet or sip some water.

Hope it eases for you.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X