View Full Version : Fear of Medication Allergy...need Reassurance

08-08-09, 01:11
OK. I went to the docs a few weeks back because I had these little bumps under my right arm. She diagnosed it as folliculitis and gave me an antibiotic. I didn't start taking it right away and the bumps went away and all was good. Fast forward to now. The bumps have reappeared and one of them is pretty serious. I am afraid that it might turn into cellulitus and eventually get into my blood system and I will get blood poisioning. I dig out the antibiotic and (of course) google it. It is a derivitave of Penicillin. I have NEVER been allergic to Penicillin and have taken Amoxicillin and such for various things throughout my life, but I am afraid of becoming allergic to it out of the blue since I have read that it can happen.

I feel stuck now. Because I want to get rid of this skin issue for fear of death on that end, but am afraid to take the meds because of the allergy fear on the other end. I know I shouldn't be afraid, but I need some reassurance to just take the damn pill. Input would be greatly appreciated since I'm a mess about this right now...:weep:

08-08-09, 08:45
i know how you feel medication phobia was a massive problem for me , i was also afraid i wouldd be allergic to medication and also hair dyes. You do need to take the pills but i know its not easy. option 1 Could you make sure someone is with you when you take them and stays with your for atleast an hour after. Option 2 ring your g.p and tell them your problem they may let you take it at the surgery and then sit in the waiting room untill you feel safe. option 3 have you got a friend who could sit on the phone with you whist you take them and then for a while after then you know someone is there if you need help ( which you wont ). Good luck with taking them. I am in training for pills at moment took parecetomol first, then evening primrose and im going to try travel sick pills next. Iv found the first couple of times you can panic a bit and feel you cant swollow ect but once iv taken them a couple of times and my mind realises im fine then i stop panicking whist taking them
good luck
let me know how you got on

09-08-09, 00:41
Well...I took the pills! And I'm here. 24 hours later. :D I had recently gone through EMDR therapy for my medication fear, but didn't have the allergy fear reprogrammed. Nonetheless, I am proud. And thanks so much Deb for your input. It helped. :hugs:

09-08-09, 00:51
well done! I have the same fear with antidepressants due to a bad reaction and i have never managed to take them again