View Full Version : lifetime of anxietyand panic attacks

08-08-09, 02:49
Basically I'vebeen sufering with anxiety/panic for almost 30 years now. I also have the inevitable health worries/phobias that can go hand in hand with this illness. It sort of doesn't help that I'veworked in the NHS (GP surgeries) since 1986 - I think the old adage 'a little knowedge is dangerous' is true for me! During a stressful time, I will undoubtably have a panic attack at some point - usually waking from sleep - palpitations, sweating, rushing to the loo, pains and tingling etc - I then usually have to take some diazepam and either read, or come onto the computer and read other peoples stories on this site. I find it comforting to know I'm not alone in dealing with my problem.
One of the other triggers I've disovered is alcohol - drinking too much wine often ends up with a panic attack during the night - everytime it happens I vow not to do it again - but the alcohol helps me to deal with the stress and worry and so I get into a vicious circle. Today (yesterday now!) I moved house, so here I am, in the middle of a panic attack, in a strange house which also happens to be quite isolated in a village.
I feel so sad that so much of my life has been blighted and limited by my illness and have tried so many different ways to help me cope - therapies, different medications, self help books - I've read all Dr Claire Weekes' books - I know all the theory and what I should do when panic strikes, but each time I forget all I've learned. I yearn for a peaceful life where I can relax and live normally. I'll never stop trying to overcome my phobias but I'm so tired of it all at times - none of my family really understand just how awful I feel. Is there :blush: any hope for me?

08-08-09, 13:12
Hi there

I do believe that we all have the potential within to get better. Talk positive to yourself - I am using a hypnotherapy CD & book from Paul Mc Kenna - instant confidence and find it helping. I am also a christian and gain strenth from my faith that my depression is coming to an end.
Good luck & take care.

08-08-09, 13:53
Hi and :welcome: to NMP. Im sure you will find the necessary help and support you need right now .All the best SUE X

09-08-09, 05:25
hi there.
Welcome to the forums.
Have you tried taking vitamins in high doses to help your panic attacks and anxiety ?

09-08-09, 09:37
hi there
i learnt to see my panic as a picture it started as this horrific devel thing that scared me to death but slowly i changed it to a cute cartoon demon and it wasnt so scary. I know it sounds silly but it worked for me. i down loaded some awful images and put them on the this is where i am page then down loaded some cute friendly pictures and labeled them this is where im gonna be soon

13-08-09, 22:17
Which vitamins would help with anxiety/panic symptoms, especially palpitations? - it would be wonderful to find something 'natural' to relieve my symptoms instead of popping a Diazepam!