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View Full Version : Cronic Scratching and fluvoxamine medication

02-10-05, 09:48
My Dr put me on Lovox (fluvoxamine Maleate) 2 day's ago for anxiety. I noticed that I had more control over my 6 year battle with my scratching habbit. I've only had 2 x 50mg dose one a day and I was curious about knowing if there was a connection or if it was in head :D.

I did a search on google and to my surprise I found a site the first one I open as well.


I thought I'd share it with you just in case any one els was suffering from the same of simular habbit that seen's like it should be simple to stop but for some reason that cant kick the habbit.

I'm just greatfull for some releif finaly from this very frustrating habbit I got while I was pregnant with my 3rd child. For 3 year's I just thought I was and alergic reaction to products and while I beleive there was a reaction to washing powder that kick started the habbit for the last 3 year's I could not figure out why i could not stop smy self from scratching i was even scratching while i was sleeping and would wake up alot during the night only to have to fight the sratching erg all over again.

it has been a HUGE source of frustration for 6 year's now and I'm really just glad for the releif. I have to go back to my Dr next week so I will asking him about the connection. I would like to know it the habbit will come back when i go off the med's when eva that might be.

I dont want it back it was unbarable my skin is finaly feeling normal again and it's healing for the first time since I was pregnant with my4th child which strangly was the only time I had any sort of relief from the main area's I use to scratch only because i too busy scratching my whole tummy [V]. I had to use ice pack to relief the pain of my scratching for many year's and more so during my last 2 pregnancy.

I'm so happy about how I feel right now about my hand's and skin that I could shout it from the roof top's. :D

I use to feel like the only way i would get over the habbit was to cut my hand's off but I went a little less extream when i was at my worst I would have to get my partner to hold my hand's for as long as need to get past it each time it happened. It if he was not home I would have to use ice packs and just lay down with my hand's as far from body as possible with music and I would count to 10 over and over just to distract my self long enought for it to stop. I could get the erg to srctch threw out the day but it was extream at night when i got into bed.

I'm glad that I'm finaly not fighting with hand all day about not scratching. That proberly sound really crazy I know. I some one had told me that I could get help my scratching habbit before a fue days ago I would have proberly just dismissed it. I still cant believe that how much more at peace with my body i feel I use to get so angry about not being able to control my self. I really dont know how to discribe it I just feel sane again in so many way's. Like some has just turned of the really loud music that was giving you a head ache and at the same time like the sractchy, itchy, burning, sensation and slowly fading away's when you knew there was really no reason for then in the first place.

I hope that no one has had to deal with this same issue but if anyone has it would nice to know. I still kinda feel like I must be crazy like it was all my head and i really didn't happen at all. Which I know is so not true cause i lived with it for 6 year's.

Thank you.

02-10-05, 10:07
Not quite the same

Under skin surges?? anyone? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3532)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?