View Full Version : How do you cope with dizzyness?

08-08-09, 14:54
My first major panic attack a month ago has left me with a lot of daily anxiety and there are times when I spend the whole day dizzy. The worst thing is feeling dizzy in shop queues etc. I know you are supposed to distract yourself but I find that impossible to do when my legs turn to jelly and i'm terrified I'll pass out. Does anyone know of any acupressure points which may bring immediate relief in such situations, or any other helpful hints please. As I'm sure you'd all agree, the dizzyness is often the most frightening symptom and until I can conquer that I don't feel like I'll ever get better.

08-08-09, 16:05
I am sure you will find that the dizzy spells dont last that long but none the less they are very upsetting. In fact I had one in Asda last night but since I have had them so often I have come to accept them. The dizzy spell is not the real issue, the real issue is What is going to happen to you! With anxiety I am sure we all understand that different symptoms come after we defeat some symptoms, so the real question could be how do I overcome my fear!

Defeating anything can take time
Overcoming anything can take time
The reality is not in distracting ourselves but accepting the situation we are in and then understanding that nothing is going to happen to us.

I often sort my shopping out while in a Q

For example
Frozen stuff goes together
Veg goes together etc etc
Then I spend sometime working out how much everything will cost

So maybe the above will be of some support to you

Be blessed
