View Full Version : belching and tummy pains

02-10-05, 11:38
Hi just need somebody to relate to what im feeling lately.got this horrible episodes of belching and gaseous stomach.i know im feeling kind of stress lately and its probably my anxiety acting up again.i just cant help getting worried about it.

02-10-05, 11:50
nervous (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3347)
Nausea (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3205)
Nausea (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3355)
stomach problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3369)
does anybody feel sick or cant eat for days (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4842)
Digestive problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4875)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-10-05, 11:55
I have this problem for a fue years now which has gotten better over the years's. I only recently realised that it was proberly connected to my anxiety.

I found it very frustating for year's.

I hope you feel better soon and less stressed.

02-10-05, 12:15
thanks a loy u guys,iwas just needing reasasurance..i was just getting frantic again which doesn,t help with the burning feeling in the stomach too.i guess it was the belching that did it coz i was getting a lot of it in the day
i was starting to count it and making myself crazy.

02-10-05, 15:09

I had this problem when i had my anxiety its a horrible feeling to have i coudln't eat with it, but eventualy it went away try not to worry to much it will go.

take care
linda xx

03-10-05, 10:08
thanks lin,
i know its the ugly side of the anxiety as what the others have said its a rollercoaster of feelings,as long as we dont dwell on it it goes away. i know that we have to alter our mind on it but its easier said than done if you know what imean.its just so impossible to get control a lot of times,though[V]

03-10-05, 10:22
I think getting control over anxiety is more about relaxing and not trying to control thing's by creating a positive attuide that you can handle what eva you chanlenge's are one buy one.

19-10-05, 13:46

You are not alone, I feel exactly the same, nauseaous and actual vomitting, this is the worst bit of the anxiety for me. I hate being sick - but then again - who enjoys it?!! I too have lost over a stone in weight cos I have completely lost my appetite, been like this since sunday now and have hardly eaten anything since then. It makes me worry too that I will waste away into nothing. Even the thought of food makes me sick when I feel like this. I've been drinking the complan milkshake drinks but I don't know how long I'll be able to last if I continue to only drink these?? I'm soooo tired.

I'm hoping it will pass soon and trying to keep busy.

I'm a new member (only joined today) and It's settled me a bit for me to hear from other people that have experienced the same when feeling anxious.

How are you now? Hope you are doing fine, let me know

Emmalou x

20-10-05, 04:22
I have had this alot in the past and it is probably the most annoying and frustrating of the symptoms for me. I have found though that when I am in an anxious state that I swallow alot which would put alot of unwanted air in my stomach making the gassy feeling worse. I have tried to make an effort to not swallow as much when I know that I am in an anxious state and that has cut down on the gas some. Just a thought :)


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

22-10-05, 12:19
Thanks eeyorelover

Since you said that, I noticed I swallow alot and tummy churned alot more. Now I know what to put it down to and try and not do it as much. I woke up feeling anxious this morning (as usual) and I noticed I did it loads and tried my best not to swallow as much but its hard innit.

I love eeyore too - I have a big cuddly eeyeore, and a mini tigger, piglet and pooh!

23-10-05, 04:49
Glad that it helped emma. See great minds think alike!!! - lol I have a big cuddly eeyore too.


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

23-10-05, 13:20

Just reading through your posts and I feel the same.Mornings are the worse. I think about what I have to do during the day and whether it will be a stressful one.My stomach starts churning and I usually visit the "loo" several times before I leave the house and go to work.I look forward to returning back home so I can start to feel relaxed.I drive to work I don`t think I could cope with public transport so I really sympathise with you that need to take a bus.
Hope one day I can get up and conquer this.

Take care