View Full Version : Constant Nausea stopping me going out

08-08-09, 16:56
Does anyone else with anxiety feel sick virtually constantly even if they are having a good day or not feeling anxious? I've found I can be ok then suddenly feel really sick like I'm going to be then that will trigger the anxiety (I have emetophobia, fear of vomiting). I don't know why nausea suddenly occurs when anxiety isn't present? Anyone any tips on dealing with it? I have metoclopramide for when the nausea starts but have no idea of how to stop it coming on. Tried ginger capsules, anti nausea wrist bands etc and nothing works

08-08-09, 17:05
ive been through this before ,,,had months of it,,and if someone around me has a tummy bug,,it starts up again,,i tend to try and carry on with what im doing,,which makes it fade into the background,,if im not up to anything to much,,,i,ll sit and chat on msn,,,or play my ds,,read anything to distract me,,i also carry packets of mints about with me they help,,,as does cream soda,,and if your like me you can eat when you feel like this so it keeps your energy levels up, sorry i cant be more helpful

08-08-09, 17:31
teez, no thank you, that's really helpful. I always carry polo mints with me to suck on when I go anywhere (also for the sugar). I find if I'm not distracted it's definately worse. I think for me my main anxiety symptom and fear is the nausea which is terrible as I can't get rid of it until I can the anxiety. My Dr has already told me as I have GAD it will be something I have to live with for life so now I'm worried that means the nausea thing will be with me for life too