View Full Version : Ketoacidosis

08-08-09, 22:11
Majorly panicking once again!

I was reading a magazine tonight when I read about this woman who died from Ketoacidosis-she only ate soup and drank water for about 14 weeks.
At the moment I'm really struggling with eating and I've been on soup and slimfast for about a month,maybe a little more and I'm now terrified:weep: I have had fruit in smoothies,some yougurt,the odd build up and now I'm using complan but I'm so scared I've already damaged myself. I've never just eaten soup and drank water like this poor woman and she lost 6 stones whereas in 3 months total I've lost 3 and let's just say,with the weight I was, I could have afforded to lose that 3 times over.

With the help of my cpn I am trying to go back to solids-had some scrambled egg the other day and going to have some porridge now as I'm really worried sick about this.

Can someone please offer me some advice? My doc says my weight loss isn't too dramatic and I do have more than just soup.

I'm really desperate here.


08-08-09, 23:14
Complan and slimfast contain vitamins etc that you need to that will have helped you - this lady lost phenominal amounts of weight very quickly - she effectively starved herself to death and was getting no protein or vitamins from her diet.
Try and eat some protein at least once a day and even bread is fortified with vits so toast or porridge is good.

13-08-09, 02:01
Thanks for your reply :)