View Full Version : Losing my mind

02-10-05, 13:00
Hi everyone

Im sooo scared i am losing my mind.I have a permanent headache.My memory is terrible(especially short term).I make no sense when i speak sometimes and i cannot think logically about anything.
I keep getting muddled,eg,i keep talking as though i am still living in a place that i moved from 3 years ago(i only lived there for three years!!).I am terrified,my mind isnt working and i cant see through the fog.
I keep thinking its to do with being hit on the gead two weeks ago,cos thats when it started,though my Dr says its anxiety(easy to say).I make stupid mistakes at work and at home all the time cos my brain isnt working.
Im sorry if i make no sense.I AM TERRIFIED.Please help

Hunny [V]

02-10-05, 13:10

I'm new! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3739)
http:// www.nomorepanic.org.uk /lounge/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1299
Madness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5154)
mentally ill?! worries (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5335)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-10-05, 13:25
I'm sure your not losing your mind and I'm sure you problem is not from you hitting head.

You know this is the exact thing i have been dealing with for about 4 mth's now. Some day's I swear i seriouly wondered if I couldn've had a stroke but i knew I was proberly just stressed and anxious. I could think straight or speack right nothing was coming out my mouth and everything went as fast it came to me. When i finaly did speack i either used swaer word heap's from frustration or even thing cam out muddled or word by word. It drove me nut hear I was trying to get my kids to do what i what thay were told 10 time before and i couldn't speack straight. It is the most frustraing thing I'v eva delt with beside my sratching habbit.

I finaly told the Dr and he said the same thing which I knew he would. It's all due to my anxiety trouble. I'm now on a med called Luvox and my scratching habbit has decreased big time and so has my anxiety while at home. Anxiety out side the house is still there a little bit but I have only started so I cant expect to much to soon.

With the decrease in intensity with scratching habbit I'm not longer having as much trouble thinking and speaking but I still have bit to go and I'v alway tripped over my own words anyway that I'm use to it to a degree.

I hope this help as little.

02-10-05, 16:12
Hi Hunny.
I am going to be of no use what-so-ever, but i could have written that post myself, i try not to be scared of the constant haze/dizziness and the forgetfulness, but unfortunately my mind then goes into full blown anxiety, then my body follows!!!!!All i can say to re-assure you is, that if your doctor has checked you over after the bang to your head, i am pretty sure that all is well? It is anxiety related and it does drag us down, please try not to worry (if only eh?) and things will gradully settle slowly.take care and keep in touch.