View Full Version : Advice for Panics on Buses

02-10-05, 13:32
I seem to suffer really badly when I go on a bus, which I need to nearly every day.

Even as soon as I am waiting for the bus, it feels like I can't breath, when I get on the Bus it gets worse, feeling like there's no air at all and go all faint-like.

Has anyone got any advice for ways to get rid of the Panic of going on a bus?

Thanks in advance.

02-10-05, 13:43
Hi Matt,
They are typical anxiety symptoms, try to take deep breaths whilst waiting for the bus and tell yourself that everything is fine and that you dont feel faint etc.
Positive thinking really does help in these situations.
Take care,
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

02-10-05, 13:52
Hiya Matt,

I get the same, and also whilst driving.

Water (i keep 4 bottles in the car - a bit extreme) and rescue remedy work for me.


02-10-05, 13:53
What is it about busses that you dont like?

For me it's the people that I might sit near me or talk to me. I find it hard to ignore a person when thay talking about other people. The area I pass threw on my bus really has alot to do with the way i react as well.

What eva your reason you have to chanleng you thinking. Either change to a poistive way of thinking, or think about fact's if it's crashing that worry's you then how likly is it that it will happen very very very rare and it's even less likly that you'll be on the bus ect.

I find talking to people hard because I never know what there reaction will be. So people are quite rude these days and just know I will want to snap right back at them.

Chanleng you thought's find the truth in the what you are thinking if you dont have any truth then look for some or just start using more positive word's better or more. Any small change in the way you think about the bus will help ease you anxiety.

I have a fear that I missed the bus I could be there 15min eartly but i can still stress out same day's. I have finaly gotten over that by thinking it really dosn't matter if missed one there will be another anyway. i use to feel silly sitting a bus stop for too long I have gotten to point that I dont care if people think i missed the bus I know that i haven't missed it ect.

Pick one negative thought and work on that one first.

I hope this help's.

02-10-05, 14:07
Just remind yourself that at any point you can get off - I've never had to do this, as just knowing I can, helps.

If I ever did have to I would walk briskly to the next stop and wait for the next bus knowing that this would work off the adrenaline that had made me feel horrible in the first place.

Take water with you to sip regularly and learn to drop your shoulders and slump into the seat - it's very hard to be tense and slumpy at the same time.

I do have a sniff of my essential oil if necessary but being a bloke you may not want to cary around a little bottle, so I suggest you get some lavander or neroli which ever you like best and put some on a hanky. You can sniff this as it helps to break the chain of thought leading to panic (well it does for me anyway).

Love Piglet :)

02-10-05, 14:10
Hi Matt, I don't particularly like buses either. When I'm waiting for them and I'm not feeling too good I just hang around near the stop rather than in the queue. When I'm on there I prefer to sit right at the back next to the emergency exit if I can. I listen to some music (so if people don't usually try and engage me in any small talk) chewing gum or taking a little bottle of diet coke with me which helps keep me occupied.

'After the rain comes the sun'

02-10-05, 14:10
It's usually (I think) because the bus gets really busy.

Thanks for the advice :)

02-10-05, 15:59
hi Matt

When i feel i can't breathe i take slow deep breathes until i am calm or blow into a paper bag i know this might be embarrasing to do but it does work i always carry a paper bag with me i don't care if i get watched i'd rather breathe than be embarresed, i know everyone is different. The calmer you are the better you will be.

linda xx

02-10-05, 18:45
Hi Matt!
We don't have public transportation in my neck of the woods, LOL! But I have a friend who suggests using a 'squishy ball'. When she gets nervous, she pulls out a little ball that squishes in her hand and fiddles with it. It seems to be a good distraction for her. Someone else suggested wearing a rubber band on your wrist and snapping it, but I think that would be too painful.[:O] Any little thing you could fiddle with while you are on the bus, might help. Also, I like what Piglet said about slumping. Assume a posture that is very relaxed and your mind will have to adapt to what your body is doing! Hope this helps!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

02-10-05, 20:04
hi Matt,

Take a book to read and other things to distract yourself. I'm going on an hour bus ride tomorrow so I'll be doing the same..

Sarah :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

02-10-05, 21:08
Hey Matt,

I'm not normally anxious about public transport, my anxiety is more related to health issues, fear of having a heart attack, etc.

That said, a few times on the tube, and once on a bus, I've had a panic attack.

For me, the best thing to do is to realise that you're effectively in the safest place. Yes, it's crowded and grim... but if you take calm, slow, deep breaths from your tummy, then nothing can hurt you - and if it did, all the people around you will be able to help. The bus driver even has a radio to call for help, if you need it.

The WORST thing you can do is get off the bus. Whilst you should always remember that you *can*, you shouldn't actually do it. Or if you do, make yourself get on the next bus, perahps it'll be less busy...

If you don't stick on it, the danger is you'll get even more panicky. I had this trouble with the tube - I get the tube to work everyday. A few times I was so scared I could barely breathe, just walking to the station.

You can get through it :D It'll take some time, and you're bound to have good and bad days (i just had a panic attack in front of the telly, how stupid! [Duh!])

I found reading a book or a newspaper a good distraction, or you can always talk to people.

Anyway, hopefully this helps. Feel free to PM me if you want a chat.

03-10-05, 12:59
Hi Matt,

I have to get a bus nearly every day at times when all the school children are getting on! Very noisy!

Along with everybody elses good advice.

I take my walkman and listen to that I find it helps distract me from the noise and people.

I also focus on looking out the window and watching the outside world go by.

Take care hope this helps,

Love PIP'S X

03-10-05, 14:37
Putting my head down works for me! I pretend I'm looking for something in my bag so my head is near my knees. I think it is something to do with getting blood to my head but it also means I'm not looking where we are going and I'm distracted!

04-10-05, 12:16
hi matt
this is something i have a real problem with, along with queueing! i know when i have to catch the bus im gonna have a panic attack sometimes i have mild ones other times bad ones it depends if the bus is busy or not. if i can i sit at the back it does seem to help me i think its because theres no one behind me as i feel like everyones watching me and can see im anxious, i also play with my mobile and text everyone. hope this helps knowing your not alone as im struggling with this one aswell.
take care
michelle xxx

05-10-05, 16:41
Hi Matt,

I find listening to my favourite album of the time helps! I use this for walking too, it gives you something to focus on, and drowns your thoughts out!

Seems to be a lot of ideas here, hopefully some of them will help,


"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"