View Full Version : What are some common anxiety triggers?

02-10-05, 14:53
Hi All. I have been trying to figure out for myself what some of my triggers are for anxiety and panic. In reading and posting here, I just thought I'd do an informal poll to see how we all are different and similar.
The answers I gave are what I consider to be things that people who do not suffer from anxiety and/or panic would not find panic-inducing.

02-10-05, 14:55
I voted first and chose "change in routine."

02-10-05, 17:33
i thought change in routine, until i seen feeling unwel

04-10-05, 15:59
I too chose feeling unwell

linda xx

04-10-05, 16:04
I chose feeling unwell too.


04-10-05, 20:27
I'd have to say a change in routine. Patterns and routine feel safe for me. I like my comfort zones and pushing out of them is very difficult.

04-10-05, 22:15
i would have to say feeling unwell

There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

05-10-05, 06:41
I voted talking in a group, although eating out would also do it because of my anorexia.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

05-10-05, 13:40
I put feeling unwell to but there are a few more on that list that i think would cause me panic as well :(

05-10-05, 16:48
I chose before I read other people's responses, as I felt I would be influenced and didn't want to put that much thought into it! lol.

I chose talking in groups as that's what I am scared of with going back to uni, though feeling unwell, especially in public is a close second!

"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

05-10-05, 16:50
If I'm honest, I don't know, I have GAD. So I don't conciously know of my reasons. I get the waves of panic and anxiety just about anytime or place they are very erratic.

Sorry that I couldn't of been more help.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

05-10-05, 19:03
Talking in a group would be the most anxiety inducing for me.

'After the rain comes the sun'

05-10-05, 19:41
I voted 'Changes in Routine' !

I'm a routine person, comfort blanket, feeling safe and all that!

06-10-05, 01:11
Pity we can only vote for 1. Theres a few that apply

Don't believe everything you think

07-10-05, 22:04
It seems to fall into different categories. My panic trigger is 'situational', ie places where I am almost guaranteed to have an attack. For example going into a tunnel, the sufferer will always feel anxiety in that situation.
I have quite a few 'situations' which trigger my anxiety (train, bus etc.).

08-10-05, 16:40
I think I've only really got one thing that causes me anxiety and that is MEMORY! If I could only forget past anxieties life would be great!

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

08-10-05, 18:36
Hi I am new to this site and am glad to have found it.

I have GAD and have been battling with it for 4 years. I have recently started a new job which is 1 1/2 hrs travelling from me and my anxiety strikes when on public transport. Unfortunately it looks like I am going to have to quit this job because the travelling is becoming unbearable, which is a shame because its a really good career opportunity for me.

I will never give up fighting this thing but at the moment I really do feel like I'm losing this one. I hope everyone who has similar conditions gets their lives back. I hope I do because I really used to love my life and I want it back. :(

08-10-05, 18:56
I chose vacation only because I have just been on one, and the experience was not very straightforward.

I was in a panic getting prepared for it, had a 'funny turn' whilst I was out there and felt stressed afterwards!

I suppose it is partly because its not my routine, but also I have to fit in with others rather than do my own thing, which I can do living on my own.

Feeling unwell, or at least the thought of that is certainly a trigger for me too.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

09-10-05, 03:39
I would say change in routine


"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." -- Mark Twain

09-10-05, 03:46
My anxiety stems from my intrusive thoughts.

'All I want is to be normally insane' Marlon Brando

09-10-05, 11:17
Feeling unwell

09-10-05, 16:29
i voted for change in routine.


27-11-05, 09:35
I chose seeing friends or family, mostly because my friends are backstabbers and they just really depress me... and my family and I tend to argue a bit.

We Don't Have To Live In Fear No More

26-12-05, 13:44
Hi, I would say all of the choices except strange dreams and feeling hungry. I could not bring myself to do most of those choices hence I found it difficult to choose one.


29-12-05, 01:50

I voted change in routine. But I have to say all of these are triggers for me!

Take care.

lin x

31-12-05, 19:13
Change in routine
Travelling on public transport

Y Goble

01-01-06, 02:17
I've had to say going to a movie or show have become big ones for me.

I panic about not being able to get out or bothering people who sit in the same row as me if I have to leave.

But I'm quite a big film/theatre fan so go figure. I ususally try and make sure I'm on the end of a row.

03-01-06, 22:21
Mainly transport mainly planes and trains because of the claustrophobia feelings and I can't get off when I wnat to :)

25-01-06, 12:22
I choose physical health but change in routine for me too

kid a
26-01-06, 17:10
To quote Ollie Knights, I panic at the quiet times.

I put change in routine as that seems to kick things off but my anixety seems to rear its ugly head most when I'm not doing anything, hence I find it difficult to relax.

Some folk were talking about what causes stress and anxiety on morning tv a while back and discussing an article in the news stating that the most stressful job had been identified as being a librarian.

The point was raised that although many people would think that a library would be a stress free environment, for a lot of people, myself included, the lack of stimulus can be stressful itself.[xx(]

sharlene G
31-01-06, 18:52
I think for my self is being aroung people and talking to them...I feel that I have an anxiety and a panic attacks.


31-01-06, 19:25
I chose feeling unwell. I am emetaphobic, though, so that's probably a big part of it. Also, fear of having another panic attack seems to be a very common trigger.

01-02-06, 15:41
I voted change in routine, but being in group or drink with relatively less known friends can be a trigger for me as well. The worst trigger is being teased or critizised, mainly using regarding aspects relating to love, marriage or sex.


01-02-06, 21:59
i chose public transport as i cant bear anyone sitting behind me, dont know wether they are talking behind me or do something to me that i wont notice. i get flushed and stresed and would do anything not to publi transport but could have chosen a number of things on your list like going to the cinema makes me sick as i feel trapped in an isle in the dark.
spanky x

15-03-06, 19:27
I chose vacation abroad, was highly anxious the week before, when I got there and when I got home I could not go back to work because of the way I felt.... Still I dont know why and I am frightened to go again. Maxxie x

08-05-06, 18:22
Mine is triggered by my memories and thoughts of safety for my husband and children.


What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

24-07-06, 18:46
I chose Public Transportation for exactly the same reasons as rockweasel - claustrophobia and not being able to get off when I want.


27-07-06, 00:05
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">i thought change in routine, until i seen feeling unwel

<div align="right">Originally posted by vernon - 02 October 2005 : 18:33:50</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Same here

30-07-06, 07:22
I would say all of them can trigger it, it is all in how you feel that day or what has happened in the day, I am new with anxiety attack, but I seem to get them alot since my doctor put me on some pill for depression and I told him I was fine, he told me I need to take them and 3 days of taking the pills I had a really really bad anxiety attack and so I went off them the next day but the anxiety attack seemed to have stayed and I never know when I will get them but BOOM it comes all at the wrong time. I would love to know how to stop them from coming with out pills as now I don't trust any kind of pill.
Any help????

14-08-06, 20:14
I find my biggest trigger is the day after a night on the alchohol i can suffer several sever panic attacks which then sends my anxiety soaring for weeks on end

08-11-06, 15:22
I found more then 3 of those to be what causes me panic. Wish I could vote more then once. I chose 'talking with a group' though because that whats worse for me.[xx(]

08-11-06, 19:35
I would have to say all of the above really and none of the above as sometimes it come from nowhere for no reason. I've battled with counsellors over this for ages.

08-11-06, 22:42
Feeling unwell for me. I constantlt react to physical symptoms as a sign that I'm gonna drop dead[Sigh...]

09-11-06, 01:47
Change in routine was possibly top but a lot of social anxieties also. I get really anxious about what other people might think of me!!

Laissez les bon temp roulez

10-12-06, 09:54
Its not in the list ??


Brandy snap
10-12-06, 23:51
Hi, Your poll is interesting, but sorry I was not able to vote as my trigger is being left alone (husband going out). If he goes out on a day when I'm feeling anxious about breathing, my anxiety can easily increase and I get a terrible suffocating feeling. This is much worse if it is during an attempt to come off Seroxat.

11-12-06, 02:52
Mine is physically feeling unwell and also social, public situations.

26-12-06, 13:31
there are a few there that apply to me, eating, drinking, tlking, dreaming etc . .

22-01-07, 21:15
Whilst differant therapys have come up with differant ideas, ultimatly for me i would always start to feel unwell before an attack. The main triggers though were being in any situation where i felt a lack of control.

It does get better

19-09-07, 17:14
I put vacation/holidays as most of the time I have to fly which scares me, I also don't like others to drive me around.

I feel unwell all the time due to health problems so that isn't a issue for me.


19-09-07, 20:54
Its definately feeling unwell what sets off my anxiety.

21-09-07, 01:11
mines is definatley public transport, and being stuck in a traffic jam in my car ( i avoid public transport which i know is not the answer) oh i feel sick at the thought of it, also not being in control of the driving, ie if i feel crap or panicky at least if im driving i can turn back, I so so so want to get over this fear, of course we all do. Its amazing though the different situations that makes us feel crap and scared

14-11-07, 17:08
Traffic jams, hold-ups and roadworks are a disaster trigger for me. I haven't driven alone for months and months.

15-11-07, 16:09
I think tiredness/ fatigue is my biggest trigger so feeling unwell is what i put!

15-11-07, 16:42
Feeling unwell physically, my anxiety goes sky high and I almost cannot bear it until my physical symptoms are gone, this of course makes the symptoms worse or appear worse, I was interested to read this is the biggest trigger coming up in this poll

15-11-07, 22:42
Same as last post. Any illness in myself or my children or family, always looking for worst case scenario which is hugely frustrating, the irrational mind doing battle with the logical..... sometimes I wish I could turn my head off for a while just so that I can be peaceful!!!!!!!!! I worry and assess constantly!!

18-11-07, 19:15
feeling unwell sets of my anxiety

18-11-07, 19:46
I think feeling unwell all triggers my anxiety.

20-11-07, 15:22
I chose public transport, although feeling unwell physically comes a close second

20-10-08, 01:53
wow If I could I would have clicked most of them!

20-10-08, 12:44
i put change in routine but I would say that everything on the list apart from the last three cause me to panic at the moment.

23-10-08, 13:50
I chose change in routine, as I lost my job 12 months ago after working in the same place for 17 years and it affected me badly, but also comes close is feeling unwell physically, being hungry and public transport.

24-10-08, 02:52
I feel what is more important is "why" these things trigger anxiety because if you tackle the reasons, the triggers are then prevented. There's always a reason. Sometimes though we just can't see it.:hugs:

15-11-08, 20:45
I personally get very caught up in routines, and time-frames.

17-11-08, 20:13
Change in routine for me as I suffer from aspergers syndrome.. In the last three months I have become a dad, started uni and changed my job I have just been so stressed!!

28-11-08, 12:38
Amazing how many people have put feeling unwell. I put that aswell

30-11-08, 23:49
for me its definetly feeling unwell

Diane O'Brien
01-12-08, 13:38
I chose change in routine. It makes me panic when I don't know where I,m goin, and when I,m in a group and got to speak up. I start to stammer and I hate attention.

03-12-08, 11:30
Hi all :D:hugs:

I do feel, that the most important common anxiety trigger is NOT on this list AND THAT IS, thoughts, I do feel, that this is the most common trigger (symptom) when acute, but its not always thought of as a trigger or a symptom of panic, anxiety, but I feel, IT IS.



05-12-08, 16:14
all of them would worry different people. Change in routine might'nt worry some person but another person it could drive them crazy. I find bad dreams make me scared. But I dont really have any dreams anymore with my panic disorder :(
Public transport doesnt scare me that much but I have been in a car accident and every time I go out with my mother somewhere I am scared. I always check the traffic on the left and right like she does and I have saved us from an accident many times. My mother 'drifts away' when shes driving as she has problems like me. I still feel scared of it. Though it has nothing to do with my panic attacks. Actually with my attacks im always wanting to go out of the house as I believe at home it gets worse because my mind is more free.

11-12-08, 19:09
For me too its feeling unwell physically, but anything that has to do with anticipating....... will do it.

19-12-08, 08:33
i voted public transport, as i had my first ever panic attack on a bus, but i would also agree that a few of the others would trigger a panic in me.

19-12-08, 09:48
Physical illness - there's literally nothing that'll make me panic more. Even if it's a silly medical show, or hearing about someone who has the flu.

20-12-08, 20:22
i put feeling unwell physically but my panic on any given day can be triggered by anything

18-07-09, 13:09
I really dont like public transport as i had a few panic attacks on a bus so avoid them. I also dont like talking in social circles as i feel that whatever i have to say would be overlooked or disregarded.:blush:

21-07-09, 10:50
Looks like HA is the winner. Yea team!

23-07-09, 23:57
id deffo say the change in routine is my first, but i think most things on that list bother me, im going on holiday soon, and the flight is bothering me aswell as the diff routine, im woundring if this will be a relaxing break or just full of anxciety and panic attacks :o(

26-09-09, 09:41
I put going to a show because for the last 3 times ive been to the cinema ive had attacks. The most recent one though iw as able to allow to get out of my system within a minute. woot!

But alot of these are for me,

Talking in groups (things people say trigger it)
Visiting friends and family (they are all related to my anxiety problems)
Eating out (once again the conversations, i often want to avoid going out because i get ther and want to go hoem)
Feeling unwell AND being hungry becaus ei cant tell if im hungry or anxious
and lastly, change of routine, any small changes are hard because the thought of change for me triggers the fear of my mind changing on me i dunno lol

26-09-09, 12:23
To be honest, I found several ofthose on your list to be my triggers,

26-09-09, 14:12
Feeling unwell is the one that does me.

26-09-09, 17:54
I chose change in routine too because sometimes if i get anxiety and the day is very different for me it can result in depersonalisation.

26-09-09, 19:41
Quite a few of those but the one that would make me the most anxious is speaking in a group.

27-09-09, 08:24
lack of sleep

28-09-09, 22:52
All of the above
apart from speaking in a group (part of my job and now used to it)