View Full Version : Feeling really scared........want it to stop

09-08-09, 07:56
I have been having this pain at my left collar bone and where the nobbly bit is it can be really achey and sometimes sharp. I've had it on and off now for roughly a month. Last night i also thought that my left side of neck above the collar bone was swollen. I never slept a wink for worrying. This has really scared me and im thinking allsorts like thyroid cancer , breast or non hodgkins lymphoma. I've not googled as im scared silly as it is, ive been to the doctors quite a lot recently 3 times in the last 3 weeks and im worried about going again. I just need some advice as im feeling really scared and panicky and have no one to talk to about this :weep: I just wish this constant worrying and anxiety would stop.

09-08-09, 08:56
Im so sorry your having a rough time. I hate that anxiety can cause so much pain. It feels so real to us. I think as soon as we get a pain we worry so much about it, that it becomes worse, until we get the reassurance we need. Don't worry about going to the doctor they get paid for doing it. I honestly think its your anxiety. Im here if you need to talk xx The worrying is so horrible its such a viscous circle. xx