View Full Version : Hi everyone - New to site

09-08-09, 08:21

I'm Niky, 37 and after no real terrible panic attacks fo about 7 years, have resigned myself to the fact that they have now started again. I have 2 boys - 3 and 7 months. Although the anxiety has never really gone away (driving, being out alone in crowds etc) the real panic had until I had my 2nd little boy. First panic attack this time was after he was born - I had an emergency C section and was severely anaemic. The attack happened in the hospital and it didn't even occur to me that it was panic as it was a lot worse than before and really out of the blue. Didn't have any more until about 2 months ago - the favourite time seems to be in the middle of the night, and that's when I love this site best :) . Just want to try and be proactive with it all this time as before I stopped well, basically doing everything and life was miserable.

That's it in a very small nutshell.

Niky x

ps - thanks already - you don't know how much this site has helped me

Veronica H
09-08-09, 14:07
:welcome: to NMP. You will find comfort and support here.


09-08-09, 17:45
thanks for your replies - it's like a lifeline already

Niky x

10-08-09, 09:08
I know how you feel.

And I am new too. Hello :)