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View Full Version : Really ill and on my own again

09-08-09, 09:16
Me again. This post is kind of disgusting so don't read on if you're squeamish!

I was fine but my stomach has suddenly started to ache. it's a heavy, dull ache. I have diarrhoea which is very unusual seeing as i;ve almost never had it. now i feel as though i'm going to be sick. it hurts in the pit of my stomach, it's a horrible feeling. i'm terriified because i'm emetophobic. my mum is at work so i'm home alone and she won't be back 'til after six tonight. I'm scared of dying or collapsing or being ever more ill on my own. also i feel shaky and dizzy, and i had a headache earlier. Is it serious? food poisoning? i don't wnt to die! can;'t stop shaking! have actually felt ill for a few weeks now with various symptoms - just got shooting pain in left side near back/stomach. really scared, can't breathe.

09-08-09, 11:06
Hi Ireni,

I am also having that stomach ache that you describe, and i also get shooting pains on the left and right had side that are sometimes in my back. I also get the nausea, but am not actually sick. I have had this for a few weeks now and i a still here! I haven't collapsed and died. It is most likely the anxiety causing you to feel like this - anxiety does terrible things to your digestive system.

I know its easily said, but try not to panic as it will likely make the symptoms worse.

If the pain gets considerably worse, you could always try the NHS direct phoneline and get their advice.

Take it easy - i know how you're feeling and its nasty!

Alison x

09-08-09, 18:51
Hi there!

I'm new to this site but I just posted about really similar symptoms in the introduce yourself section, wrong place I know but I was so freaked out at the time I just needed to reach out, my partner is away so I'm stuck on my own too.

I really wish I could say something to help you but I haven't worked it for myself yet.

09-08-09, 18:54
If it is any consolation at all, I've had it for two months on and off, I haven't died yet so I have to assume its not fatal!

10-08-09, 06:40
Thank you Ally and Su!

I thought it could be IBS caused by anxiety, but I've never had those symptoms before and then I thought it might be swine flu or something similar.

I hope you're ok, Su. You can PM me if you need someone to talk to, though obviously I have anxiety too so I probably won't be very good at calming you down!

10-08-09, 11:19
Sorry, have to say something - am panicked again.

I got a really bad headache in the middle of my head then down one side.I felt sick too. 30 mins later I was so dizzy, everything felt like on a ship, so I went to lie down. I tried to sit up & found that I couldn't even do that! It was horrible. I still feel slightly dizzy but the headache is coming back again, and I think the dizziness is as well. my worries are:

1. It is a stroke (one of my eyes looks kind of weird too)
2. it is epilepsy or some sort of fit.
3. It is swine flu
4. It is something that I haven't thought of, but is still serious enough for me to faint or end up in hospital.
5. a sinus problem that'll make me unable to stand up.

My mum is going out again & won't be back for over 6 hours. I felt utterly terrified when she was here, i hate to think how bad it'll be if she's out. I don't want her to go, feel so scared i could cry or scream.