View Full Version : Just started 20mg citalopram and would like some advice please

09-08-09, 11:19
I have suffered with panic attacks and depression for about 4 years now.
I have had counselling and cbt but neither seem to have helped a whole lot so on wednesday I went to the doctors and he prescribed me 20mg of citalopram to take every morning.

I get very paranoid about taking tablets because of my ha and I worry about side effects so I didn't actually start taking citalopram until friday morning so have only been on it for 3 days.

I stupidly read the side effects on the leaflet and after taking the first pill I felt very drowsy and then began to feel sick. I am not sure if this was because I was thinking of the side effects or if it was really a side effect lol.
Anyway yesterday and today I also felt sick after taking my pill and my appetite has gone right down.
Anyone else had this?

I have also been alot thirstier and my mouth feels very dry but that may be nothing to do with it?

Also have been feeling quite spaced out at times but I am unsure if this is where I have been tired and sometimes feel spaced out with my ha anyway.

Now I know this will sound daft but I am panicking as well because I keep thinking what if I shouldn't have been prescribed citalopram. What if I am not depressed and as affected by my ha as I think.
It's stupid to say it really because the past few weeks I have been so angry for no apparent reason, have had thoughts of suicide and harming myself, have been binge eating to try to comfort myself, have wanted to sleep but then found I couldn't sleep and basically just hated myself.
I have to go back to my doctors in a month anyway to let him know how I am getting on so I guess if it isn't working out for me I can tell him then.

Hope this has all made sense and any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

Mrs Rabbit
09-08-09, 20:19
HI there
I am in exactly the same position! Day 5 of citalopram today and I can reassure you that the side effects do wear off. I can relate to the nausea, spaced out feeling, tiredness etc and think this is all part of the side effects. I know what you mean about having HA and panicking about taking drugs - I am just the same! I have also been worried that I am not really depressed - just sad and that I just need to pull myself together. But like you Ive had some really dark times so I guess anything is worth a try. Good luck with it and be assured that the side effects you describe seem to be perfectly normal.

10-08-09, 09:14
Hi, thanks for replying :)

I'm glad to hear the side effects wear off!

It sounds like you are feeling exactly how I am, I keep thinking maybe I need to pull myself together and I shouldn't be on medication but then again it does feel like it has helped a little already, is that possible after 4 days though lol
It's just I feel like there is a pit of unhappiness wedged in my body and that feeling has lessened a little so maybe it is helping already?

Again thanks for replying :)

mrs hopeful
17-11-09, 13:34
I have been on citilopram for 5 days also, but I was on it a few months ago, thought I was ready to come off but no. Feel exactly the same as you and don't even want to go out at the moment. Its horrible.

17-11-09, 17:33
This sounds like a job for...

THE CITALOPRAM SURVIVAL GUIDE (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=46980)

17-11-09, 20:08
I have been on citalopram since March and it has transformed me. A few months ago I couldnt get out of the house and now I am going back to work and I feel so positive and happy.

I would say persevere (no pain no gain!) with the tablets as eventually they do work for most people and it takes different amounts of time for them to work fully . It took over 2 months for the effects to be felt by myself. I am now on 40mg and have no side effects and I rarely get anxious anymore. I am like a whole new me! For me anyway, the side effects eventually went. I sometimes get tired and have a dry mouth, plus 'spaciness' but I can live with that.

If you do feel suicidal however then maybe you could see your gp and explain how you are feeling. I went through several side effects but to feel suicidal should be discussed with your gp I feel.

I hope you soon start to feel a lot better. Give it time.