View Full Version : Im So Down

09-08-09, 12:28
hi everyone , have not been on for a while ,just been trying to get on with things the best i can but i get so many pains and wierd sensations that i have just about had enough,i dont know what to do,ihave been in tears twice today already ,i feel like i am losing this battle with anxiety and panic the slightest thing sends me into a spin , i have seen my gp on lots of occasions and he put me on beta blockers they helped to start with but now i dont know that they do much to help . apart from work which i worry all day about dying at work,i just sit indoors and do nothing because i feel wierd when i move or try and do anything ,wonder if anyone else feels the same at times

09-08-09, 16:25
hi, i feel like at times that my anxiety is overcoming me too. i have no quick fix tips but i just wanted you 2 know that you are not alone and many many people feel exactly as you do. take care and i hope things look up for you soon. debs xxxx