View Full Version : Random pains

09-08-09, 13:05
My HA has seemed better for a couple of weeks...
but now I have this pain in my neck and I'm starting to freak out...
it starts just below my right ear and comes and goes, I don't remember pulling a muscle or anything... please someone tell me not to start googling!

09-08-09, 13:25
dont google ,you know it will just stress you out more ,you have large ligaments that run down your neck and when we stress they can hurt ,i get it all the time , hope this helps

Carla louise
09-08-09, 14:11
Hi there, I have had a sore neck for a week now, I must be sleeping in some wierd position, and I suspect it is something as harmless in your case. THOU SHALT NOT GOOGLE!!! As you already know, a problem googled is a problem multiplied x

09-08-09, 15:15
Thank you for replying! I haven't googled, I'm trying to convince myself it's something harmless!


15-08-09, 14:49
I have just started with this in the last week when my anxiety levels have started to increase. It is on the right side of my neck starting from below my right ear like yours and is a really sharp pain and lasts for a few seconds and goes? Is this what yours is like or is it there for longer? xxx

15-08-09, 18:07
Hi Tink, mines gone! Which makes me more confident that it was all anxiety, I stopped obsessing about it and it went away. But yeah, it was just as you describe yours. Possibly pulled something without realising, but all gone now. Do something to take your mind off it and it will hopefully go away.

Pd xxx