View Full Version : Bloating.....very worried

09-08-09, 15:17
Hi, I have suffered from bloating before but never to this degree... I have alway been a bit bloated at ovulation and just before a period or if I have eaten too much bread. This time however I have had nothing out of the norm and my stomach is enormous my waist has gone from 32 inches to 40 in the space of 2 hours..... what can cause this... I had an ultrasound last week and it showed I had a slightly bulky uterus and a small harmless ovarian cyst. I have some acid isssues too... My bloat is quite high up....ie my bread now sit nicely on my tummy which sticks out a lot further..... what should I do anyone else had these symptoms... I think I may be perimenopausal as my periods seem a bit of a law unto thereselves at present. Thank you all for any advice...

09-08-09, 15:24
What sort of things have you eaten or drunk today?

09-08-09, 15:48
Hi Nicola

nothing too out of the ordinary, some beans for breakfast but normally do not cause a problem, an apple a banana, a couple of slices of beef and an ice lolly ....usually its bread or pasta that bloats me up and I avoid that, I dont feel bloated just look it.

09-08-09, 16:02
I have to cut down on fruit when I get this bloated feeling.

Another thing that seems to help is those activia yoghurts.

I was wondering if it could be gas that is bloating you or sometimes people "swallow air" and that causes it. I know it sounds bizarre but my dietician told me about it lol.

09-08-09, 16:17
Hi I have a similar problem at the moment.Since friday Iv had this awful acid feeling in my tummy,Im really bloated to.I was told years ago I have ibs!!!!Iv been in pain all weekend,when I eat I get this horrid acid feeling right in the middle of my tummy,and upwards.This morning I was sick a little and it was all acidy.I do suffer from constipation alot,I find that makes me very bloated.Sometimes I go to the loo and I dont feel I have been enough it that makes sense.
I find around ovulation time I get pains and bloating now when I never used to and Im in my 40's.
I have to stay away from dairy stuff.:hugs:

09-08-09, 16:20
hi, i was going to write a similar thread myself today. at the moment im very bloated and like you have said you look bloated but dont feel bloated and that was what i was going to ask. i suffer with bloatedness etc due to suffering from IBS, but the last 2 days have been different, as i said i look very bloated (i look 6 months pregnant!!) but i dont feel bloated at all. debs xx

09-08-09, 16:43
Its all very weird isnt it... logically I know it is due to perimenopause as my periods have gone weird...but with the acid thing...my anixiety tells me a tumor of the pancreas or similar and panic ensues as usual...diet wise I find very odd if I cut out all the things I think may make me bloat there would be very little left apart from porridge made with water.... oh joy....I was 40 this year and I feel some one has switched me off I am now just a bloated wrinkly blob with a dodgy tummy, dodgy moles etc..... definitely more mutton than lamb. Thank you all for your replies x what sort of diet do you all suggest the help loose some weight and avoid the pregnant look....