View Full Version : Could this be Labyrinthitis?

09-08-09, 16:34
Hi, for the past week I have woken every day to feeling quite nauseous and really dizzy. Its as if I am suffering from motion sickness. When I walk I feel like I'm moonwalking and I feel like my eyes are moving at a different speed to my body. My ears feel stuffy. A week ago I thought I had something wrong with one of my tonsils as it looked a little inflamed and since then I have had the dizzy sensation. The doc said my tonsils looked fine. Although I am feeling sick, I have not actually been sick. I do not have a sore throat or a temperature. I called NHS direct just now and they suggested it might be Labyrinthitis and to speak to my local chemist and ask for sickness tablets until it passes. I do not want to get another appointment with my doctor as I dont want her to treat me like Im paranoid.... again. I suffer from health anxiety, but I have not been anxious lately so I cannot see they are anxiety symptoms. I have lost my appetite due to the nausea. Does this sound similar to the symptoms of Labyrinthitis? Has anybody had it that can relate to my symptoms. When I look at my keyboard, my eyes go all weird and I feel sick. The same happens when I look at the monitor, but strangely, it improves a lot when I go outside. Anyone able to give words of reassurance? Im a little bit scared.

09-08-09, 16:52
This could well be labs

see labrynthitis.org.uk

I would definitely see your GP for stemetil xx

09-08-09, 19:04
Hi there, I'm an Audiologist and the symptoms def sound like an inner ear problem. The stemetil wd be a good idea and if it doesnt get better ask for a referral to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist at the hospital.

09-08-09, 20:18
oh god, now im scared.

13-08-09, 13:37
Don't be , at ENT they'll do some painless and non invasive test that will help decide the best course of treatment for you, usually movement exercises that helps the brain relearn the movement process.

Good bless.

14-08-09, 10:37
i went to the doc, she thinks it's viral labyrinthitis. on sickness tabs now, and its starting to ease off. x