View Full Version : Help! This is bugging me!

02-10-05, 19:19
Well, all the summer I had some panic attacks and was scared for my life all the time. I had chest pain, and i always felt like i couldnt get a deep breath. Well school started and i forgot all about this and was feeling fine because i wasnt thinking about it. Last night, I woke up with this really bad cramp in my calve and i freaked out. It was like it was flexing by itsslef and it really hurt. Now all of my other symptoms have come back, like i feel like i cant breath, ocassional chest pain when i breath in like on my collar bone, and alot of muscle pain in like every mucsle. I also an scared like im going to drop dead whenever i feel a little twitch or pain anywhere. Im always like expecting a heart attack, but i never have bad chest pain. Just all the other symptoms that go with it. IM also feeling really spaced out, like im not really here. Somone help!

02-10-05, 20:05

Have you tried breathing control or meds to help? it sounds like you are having classic panic attacks and you should read the book called coping successfully with panic attacks by Shirley Trickett from Sheldon press books.
All the problems you mention are caused by an inbalance in blood chemistry it goes out of control and you end up feeling the way you do and as for having a heart attack i am told that when having a heart attack people don't feel all the pain in the heart area but mostly in the arms and shoulders...but i am not a Dr so don't take me at my word.
I think also a group called" no panic" may be able to help you as they have phone support when going through an attack and support groups in general around the country that have a magazine that is very helpful in its detail and common sense advice.
Well i hope that helps and take care :)