View Full Version : First & worst panic in a while

09-08-09, 17:42
I woke up last night around 5 am, Didnt get to sleep till 3am catching a bit of insomnia I think :mad:

Anyway, Had probably the worst panic attack for a long long time. Went to the toilet and thought I was going to collapse, I felt so so sick. It wasn't like the normal sick feeling I get with panic attacks though. It was like a real intense version and I was lying on bed on the verge of waking my dad to ring an ambulance. It passed after about 5 minutes though but felt like hours.

The sick and feeling faint was a lot worse than ever before and I was sure it could not be a panic attack. It felt like I was proper ill. I still dont know if if I am or not.

All day today I have felt off and not with it 100%. I cant seem to focus my eyes on anything, especially TV and computer screens. Does anyone know what that could be?

Still feel sick as well.

Ive gone so long getting myself back to normal and now this. I felt so bad Its put me off things for a while now, I mean what if I get like that when I have to go to Uni next month. :weep: