View Full Version : Hi I'm new here, I'm alone and scared!

09-08-09, 18:06
I'm new here and I really need some help, I can't get myself under control.
I'm not new to panic attacks but something's different, I used to be able to control them, a few years ago I had one so bad that I was blind, deaf, mute, paralysed from head to foot, went unconscious and started fitting, eventually came round vomiting which was extremely embarrassing because I was in a rather busy public place but atleast there was someone there to hold my head and call me an ambulance. Since then I haven't had an major attack, just the little ones that I can control myself until two months ago...It started with what I thought was a bout of food poisoning, I was freezing cold, shaking like a leaf, gripped with abdominal pain after a couple of hours my head swam as I started vomiting, I felt like I was going to die, burning needles all over my body, fighting to stay concious and keep breathing whilst being violently sick, it calmed down and I was exhausted so I tried to sleep only to wake up an hour later with the same feelings, I tried to get to the bathroom but passed out on the way taking a flying face dive and cracked my head on the toilet which landed me in A and E where they agreed with me saying it was food poisoning. Fine, I accepted that but now I've had 8 bouts of this food poisoning in two months eating the same food as everyone else, at home, restaurants, other peoples houses, everyone else is fine and it usually starts on a Friday night, I've had it a few times where it doesn't get as bad, just the burning needles, breathlessness, dizziness, shaking and feeling like I'm going to pass out but don't.

My doctor is ignoring the panic attacks saying he thinks its a rare kidney disease, has anyone ever heard of a disease that only ever strikes on a Friday night, lasts a couple of days then you feel fine?

Today its started up again, not a Friday which isn't normal and I'm sitting here shaking like a leaf trying to use breathing exercises to get under control, my partner is away so I'm alone and scared and I don't know what to do!

Please tell me someone else gets like this....

09-08-09, 18:54
Hi, what you are going through sounds awful. I think you need to speak to a different doctor or even go to a different practice. I certainly dont think you would be having food poisoning on such a regular basis unless you go to a dodgy takeaway every week! What about food allergies? You need better support and maybe some medical investigations. Panic attacks make me really nauseous, sweaty, shaky, and lightheaded but not to the extent of yours. Are you taking any meds? Take care. xx

10-08-09, 06:52
Hi, I saw your post in my thread so I thought I'd reply to your introduction.

First of all - welcome! :welcome: How are you right now? Any better?

I don't want to make you feel worse, but are you sure the experience you described really was a panic attack? I've heard some weird things, but never anyone actually fitting due to panic.

I really doubt that you've had food poisoning. It doesn't explain your symptoms at all. I agree with Christine, change doctors and then have some medical tests to try and find out whether it is anxiety, something else or a combination. I can't say for certain that your symptoms are anxiety, but I have had every single one of the symptoms you've listed at the bottom of your post.

12-08-09, 12:10
Well I spent last night in hospital, they are doing tests to rule out carcinoid syndrome but they do think its anxiety so it does look like my twisted head is doing this to me, I just don't understand what's so bad about my life that this would be happening.