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02-10-05, 20:36
This may be like the pins and needles thing and i'm trying to just ignore it and not worry about it too much but i just wanted to make sure this was a normal feeling.. I sometimes feel like my legs and arms are shaking even though thet're not, its a feeling within them not a physical shake.. also when i'm eating, i tend to get a weird kind stomach, nausea pain and its like my heart jumps i just ignore it and it goes but it doesn't seem to stop happening..

02-10-05, 20:45
Hi Smurf,
I also get strange feelings in my legs, like they are trembling. I suppose the classic phrase is Jelly legs! I find that they are worse when i feel or have felt really tense and anxious. Doing gentle muscle stretches has helped me or going for a walk, I know sometimes this is the last thing you want to do when you're feeling anxious, but it really does help.
hope you feel better soon, kt x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

02-10-05, 22:25
hi smurf

i think the jelly legs feeling is normal symptom of panic attacks as i get them everytime i have a pa.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">also when i'm eating, i tend to get a weird kind stomach, nausea pain </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
do you eat big meals or small meals cos big meals can make u feel this way or so ive found so i eat small meals

hope this might be of some help

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

02-10-05, 22:40
*its a feeling within them not a physical shake*

Like a continuous internal tremble..I used to get this a lot and then just when I was tired and then it went.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-10-05, 23:21
i get these sometimes out of nowhere or right after a really anxious period. it almost feels like your legs and hands are trembling on their own, so much so that i just shake them by myself. and then i look like a caffeine addict or something.


02-10-05, 23:59
I get the jelly wobbly feeling heap's it's my main symptem beside's palpatation's.

For the last 6 year's I have dealing with this feeling at one stage it was so bad that I could felt like I couldn't even pick up a remote control even thoe I couldn't see my self shacking no one els could either and thay all told me I was faking or lazy ect. I started by having a cup of tea which seem to have a positive effect on me.

I went to the Dr and had a blood test and I low iron but even after my iron level was normal I was still haveing the same feeling. It was no where near as bad but it was still a huge part of my day. I change my diet I got real heathy and finaly found that a cup of tea or 100% juice and fruit help to ease the feeling.

I'm still trying to work it out I dont have diabete's and the Dr cant figure out why it happen's if I dont eat on time. The only conclusion I can come to after lot's of research is that the andrenlin that is alway's being produced by my anxiety is speeding up my metabalisim which cause's me to need to get the feeling from lack of a good sourse of energy. I have a lot of food intolerance's plus I not a big meat eater. If i dont eat the feeling will continue to get worse but I cant eat anything in that has added sugar cause sugar cause's me to get to tired any way. I often carry barly sugar which will help me for a litle which till I can eat something or drink something better.

I proberly just a weirdo (in a good way) :D. I'm foreva saying that I need to rub out and started again cause my symptom's seem to be fueled by many sourse which make's it hard to know how to deal with them.

It cant hurt to try to just have heathy snack and relax to see if if you if it help you aswell.

Adrenlin effect our body's in so many way and when I came across the info about adrenilin speading up the metabalisim I fianly felt like I might have the answer I had been searching for over the last 6y. Anxiety can cause people to loose weight due to the metabalisim speeding up and using up more energy than normal. Some week's i can eat like a pig and other week I eat very little and yet I over the last 10 year of my life the only time I have eva put on weight is when i was preganat and loosing it seem's to be extreamly hard cause the fatigue(the shacky/wobbly feeling) hit's me big time. Some day's that mean's having a snack's other day's just 3 meal's a day if not worry. But when that feelin start's I have to listen to it.

I hope you find something that ease's the feeling for you.

I hop you feel better soon.

03-10-05, 09:08
Eating properly is vital when you're acute

*I dont have diabetes and the Dr cant figure out why it happen's if I dont eat on time* Hypoglycaemia is almost the reverse of diabetes and you can still have 'normal' blood sugars levels on testing it, as the body does manage to keep them normal but internally you're working very hard to achieve it.

Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?