View Full Version : dentist on wed for tooth extraction

09-08-09, 21:19
and i am sooooooooooo scared ive been putting this off for 6 months now because of my fear. its more of a fear of not being in control and im petrified of how the anastetic will make me feel (i know it will make my mouth numb) but am so scared about it making me feel dizzy or should i say more dizzy than i already feel due to my horrible anxiety. i have no excuse not to go as my mum will look after my kids and my hubby has booked the day off work bless him. its not the fact im having my tooth out more the reasons ive explained oh and i hate needles so scared i will faint :(

09-08-09, 22:06
Hey Mummy:hugs:

Ive recently had 14 teeth out and you will be fine:yesyes:

Tell dentist you are scared and ask for some gel which numbs your gum before they inject it.....you really dont feel the injection anyhow I promise

I have a massive dental phobia but you will be just fine:hugs:

Pm me if you wanna chat

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

09-08-09, 22:26
Heya mummy, I totally know how u feel I'm just over my fourth abscess, I keep cancelling appointments as I'm petrified, but I am soooo sick of being in pain and worrying so I went the dentist last week and he said I need to see a surgeon as my tooth so bad, that made me more scared.So I'm booked in 2moro just for a chat and I feel sick, I would love to get the work done 2moro just to have it done, as I'm goin away wed. I don't what will happen whether I'll even go like u my fella off to bring me. Im so scared

10-08-09, 09:02
thanks for your replies and its comforting to know im not the only one. omg kaz 14 teeth a massive well done to you. were you put under general anastetic for it? x
princess, do let me know how today goes will be thinking of you x
i had such horrid pain with this tooth a month ago and it was a friday eve i was in that much pain i went to an emergency dentist. my heart was pounding the whole way through while she done an xray etc. she just put in a temp medicated filling which is still in. 1 side of my tooth is all atill there but the other is chipped away and this is what worries me too as im not so sure she will be able to 'grab' it to pull it out :(

10-08-09, 10:57

No I wasent put to sleep had it done in 4 lots each with a mild sedative pill.....I was dreading it too but I promise you will be just fine:hugs:

Kaz x

10-08-09, 11:02
Me again:whistles:

They dont grab your tooth and pull it out they lever it out from the gum with a very tiny lever(mini version of a tyre lever used on cars) This loosens the tooth then it just comes out:scared15:

Luv Kaz x:hugs:

10-08-09, 11:44
im praying it wont be as bad as im expecting it to be.
well donw kaz i think you should be very proud of yourself. thats just it, i would not be able to take the sedative pill as im petrified of medication of any kind :( it really does effect my life big time at times! so they should be able to remove my tooth no problem then?

10-08-09, 19:06
Hi Mummy:D

Well Im not a dantist and can only tell you how it was for me:)

And it really wasent that bad and its done so quick doubt you will have time to panic

Here if I can help

Kaz x:hugs:

12-08-09, 09:32
oh my god am so anxious today feel dizzy and shakey :(:(

12-08-09, 10:08
Good luck for today. You will be fine. Remember your breathing and just think, this time tomorrow it will all be over.:hugs:

17-08-09, 20:46
How did you get on mummy? I have my appointment 2moro at 9am and I'm a mess, I haven't thought of anything else. I just don't know if I can do it:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: