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View Full Version : hi everyone

11-01-04, 23:58
hi every one i found this site by accident after i was desperately looking for some help with my panic attacks.Im 34 with 3 kids in a good relationship but my life is ruled by my almost daily panic attacks and my complete fear of dying.until i read all the info on this site i really thought i was mad i didn't realise other people suffer like i do.
my panic attacks started 3 1/2 years ago,i remember i was taking my children to my mums and it was a 2 hour bus journey,all the way there i felt that there was no air on the bus and my heart kept going really fast and i kept going dizzy,i was so scared i really thought there was something seriously wrong with me.
my boss at the time also suffered from panic attacks and it was her that told me what had happened,so i went to the dr's only to be fobbed off with "probably caused by financial worries" even though i didnt really have any!!
next time i went to the dr's i was told that it was a consequence of having taken a few ecstsy tablets in my youth,and there wasn't really anything that could be done because research was still ongoing in that particular area.
finally last year i was backwards and forwards from the dr's with terrible headaches only to be told to drink more water,(i only drink water and about 4 coffees aday) i also got given some tablets which i couldnt take as i only take paracetomol and asprin.
so basically i really dont know what too do next,i hate feeling the way i do,ive recently moved to a new area to be nearer to my parents and sisters but i havent registered with the local dr's yet and too be honest i dont have that much faith in them any more.
luv emma x

12-01-04, 00:17
Hi Emma,

Welcome to the forum. I have been suffering from panic and anxiety for the last month. I have found this site to be quite helpful and reassuring that I wasn't going mad. Anyways, welcome to the forum and if you need anythng just post!


12-01-04, 14:22
Hello Emma,

Yes , it's tough out there looking for help. Please do have a good hunt round this forum using the search facility at the top and also the main site found by clicking on home above.

Anything help, advice or support you need , we're here to help.

Hopefully your new doctor will be more understanding.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

12-01-04, 21:10
Hi Em

Glad you found us. Take some time to read the info on the Website as well as this forum and then ask any questions you want to.

I had similar problems with the doctor - he told me to eat more brown bread!! Once you find a sympathetic doctor then things will start to happen for you and he may refer you for some CBT.

Let us know how things go ok?


12-01-04, 21:31
Hi Em
It's difficult sometimes to explain how you're feeling to the doctor. It doesn't take long browsing this site to realise in how many ways anxiety can make us feel....well, you know what I mean! Difficult to say, isn't it? Hopefully you've now found a place you can come for reassurance and also a place that might help you describe your symptoms to your new doctor.


12-01-04, 21:53
Hi Emma

Nice to met you

Love and Best Wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Excentric

12-01-04, 22:56
hi everyone
thank you for all the kind replies it makes such a difference to know that other people know how i feel.
one of the worst panic attacks ive had in years was just a couple of nights ago when i was in the bath,at the moment im finding it really difficult too go back in the bath which is a shame because my nightly half hour in the bath is my chill out time.
emma xx

12-01-04, 23:29
There is a post about it - try entering bath in the search box


13-01-04, 00:34
hi emo,

nice to meet you. Was emo your favourite muppet? he was mine, hes so cute! or is that what your mates call you cause your names emma isnt it.

keep posting

hugs Rachel xx

13-01-04, 00:56
hey rachel,
my baby sis calls my emo and has done for years.
she's not really a baby tho'at nearly 22!!
love em xxx

13-01-04, 01:01
22's a toddler, im just a fetus you must be just over toddler years.

im suprised youre still up, im only up cause im nervous and scared of going to bed

hugs rachel xx

13-01-04, 01:05
i dont go to bed til' im really tired so that i dont lie awake thinking!!! is that the same for you???
im worried about going to see a band next week because its years since i was at a gig indoors,usually just go to festivals in the summer
love em xx

13-01-04, 01:27
yeah i dont go to bed till i feel ready which is normally about 2,3,4 oclock but i still get up in time for school which is good.

what band you going to see? make sure you have rescue remedey, water and something to suck with you and a mobile though you might not be allowed it on in there but you might be im not sure. Mkake sure you have a good time though

hugs Rachel xx