View Full Version : my anxiety just went away? o.O

09-08-09, 23:23
I've had anxiety that has been ongoing for the past 2 years-ish. I've only had 2 therapy sessions and have not taken any meds. For the past week or so my anxiety seems to have vanished. I don't think it's because I have had less stress because it is summer because all summer I had my anxiety. But because I've been feeling so good this week I have been in a really good mood. I can actually feel a difference. Has this ever happened to anyone? I hope I stay like this for awhile.

19-08-09, 13:46
glad to hear it, sounds like your having a good time, take advantage of it, don't question it or you`ll find yourself over-analyzing it and then it wont be fun anymore. I get calm patches sometimes, but i don't feel good in them, i still feel worried.
I hope it stays for you!

deadgirl xxx

20-08-09, 23:27
I am just going through a period like you and am determined to enjoy it!!!! If you are in good form you give your brain a positive message and as a result feel & behave positively - we all have the potential within ourselves to get over this - hopefully we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

21-08-09, 10:42
im feeling good and positive at the moment even though doc says iv got swine flu ( but im not sure dont feel as bad as i have with normal flu ) and it was the 10th aniversary of my brothers death yesterday. i am sure i have made it and have no intention of going back to that hellish hole

21-08-09, 11:27
I have got up today feeling good and positive again. This is a great feeling!!!! I think we should all give ourselves a clap on the back. Well done to us.

21-08-09, 11:34
PrettyPeach you have taken the worry away and showed the key to beating anx, self-control and discpiline.

When you have 5 mins check my post here:


You will see what i did and maybe it will mirror your thoughts at the moment on why its subsiding.

All the best