View Full Version : stroke or panic attack?

02-10-05, 21:50
hi all,

my name is stan and im new to the forum. i've been reading some posts and such and decided to join.
ive been having panic attacks for a month or so now, not every day but here and there, after reading Panic To Power by Lucinda Basset i became much better, i also have a counselor. however, sometimes i question my panic attack and i get scared that it couldve been a stroke or not?..i dont know what a stroke feels like, i am 21 years old and only 129 pounds, i never smoked a cigarette in my life or have done any drugs, i barely even do antibiotics. i dont eat junk food, and my blood test prior showed that i have perfect cholesterol levels. however, my anxiety over my health prevails me and sometimes i wonder if i had a stroke or not. the reason i say this is because ive been dealing with DP/DR for a while now, and i dont know if its normal to have it for this long, or if i actually had a stroke or not.
heres a run down of my panic attacks symptoms. when they come on, i feel as thought i am paralyzed yet i can still move, theres an overwhelming wave of heat and something that feels like its grabbing my head, i get really dizzy and i get real tight pressure in the temples of my head..i start losing breath and space out, feeling like running away or jumping out of skin..
when i have a really bad panic attack which i only had twice, then i feel like my head is going to pop, i get pins and needles in my feet and hands. and of course the rest of the symptoms such as the heartbeat, loss of breath, feeling like running for a mile...this lasts for a few seconds and afterwards im just really nervous and disoriented however the head pressure goes away.

now, i dont know if these are panic attacks or mini strokes, can someone shed some light for me on this or reassure me in some way or another, aside from DR/DP i've been dealing with my anxiety and panic attacks pretty well..there are days when im not anxious at all and some where i am. but im getting pretty scared because of this stroke thinking, and i dont want this to bring me back down into negative thinking and scaring myself. so please if anyone has anything to say, do so..it would be greatly appreciated.

sorry for the long post.

02-10-05, 22:09
hi stan

welcome to the forums.

i very much doubt u will hsve had a stroke not at your age with only being 21yrs old, if all the blod tests have come back ok then thas a good sign, have you seen ur doctor about this?
it does sound to me like its all down to anxiety and stress and panic attacks, i to get simular symptoms but not all what you have described
i would try not to worry about it but if you are at all worried then please go and see your g.p.
if it was a stroke you would lose feeling in one side of your body (thats what happened to my dad with his stroke) but it dont sound like a stroke to me

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

02-10-05, 22:20

From what you say these sound like classic panics attacks rather than a stroke, and from your history, you are in a very, very low risk catagory for strokes.

It is important though to have had a check up at the doctor at least once to rule out any other illnesses.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-10-05, 23:02
Hey Stan,
wow your panic attacks sound JUST like mine. I also am constantly worried about it being a stroke. Sometimes i just feel so stupid when it happens, like i cannot even get my words out. Everything seems jumbled. So, because of that I was sure it was a mini stroke. But from what I hear that is actually quite normal with panic... I dont have any great advice... but sometimes it just helps to know you arnt alone.

02-10-05, 23:18
thanks a lot for replying.
i guess its part of the anxiety to constantly worry about it being something else.
i dont want to think it was a mini stroke, but the thought just creeps its way in and i cant help it.
however i still play guitar and play soccer as i used to..well a little less cause of the spaced out feeling all of the time.
i hope it goes away soon..:(
i also have some weird pressure in the back of my neck sometimes.
i am very glad im not the only one with these kind of panic attacks.
along with the physical symptoms i also get the crazy mental thinking, where it almost feels like this is the last moment of your life. this is one of the most scariest and terrifying feelings ive ever experienced.


03-10-05, 08:56
Hi Stan,
Welcome to the forum where you will get lots of support and makes new friends too.
Bye for now