View Full Version : In a very bad place...

10-08-09, 09:01
After having two weeks off and going back to work last wed for 3 days this morning I had a really really bad relapse!
I had been putting panic attacks at bay all weekend and this morning when I was getting ready to work I just got in a right mess and burst into tears...

My other half has been trying to get me to go to the Dr's for the past 2 weeks as I feel like im back to square one again - after suffering with anxiety, depression and panic attacks for 3 years...

I tried various medication when I was 1 diagnosed with it 3 years ago and i couldnt really get on with any of them... But now i think maybe its time to try again as its really not managable at all now. I just feel really bad all the time. Anyway ive got a docs appt at 2pm so i will see what he says... x

10-08-09, 09:07
((((((((hugs)))))))) hun know how your feeling as im going through a bad time myseel at the moment what with panic and anxiety. its horrid how it just comes out the blue at times and hits you. good luck at the doctors and let us know how you get on xx

10-08-09, 11:55
Im still hearing conflicting comments about Meds - not really sure what to do now... I havnt taken any for 4 years cuz tonnes i tried i couldnt do - but saying that i was like 17 at the time!!! So they may actually help this time... i dont know, im jsut blabbering.... could do with some advise before i go at 2 really x